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Ok so the shoutout for the eighth riddle goes to...
AnaizaLalani @7TazDSMV and balloon_burster

The answer to the riddle was...
The W

The next riddle is...
What is as light as a feather, but even the world's strongest man couldn't hold it for more than a minute?

Give me your answer in PM

Paraskavedekatriaphobia is the fear of Friday the 13th!

Did you guys know that?
Are you guys scared of Friday the 13?
I get scared just hearing about it!!

Authors Note:
Hey guys so I still haven't updated ZaidAliT Collections yet because of the lack of views and votes! But as soon as I get them I will update!

Have you guys checked out my new book? It's an all about me book. If you haven't go check it out and share your views!

So I have been getting many opinions from you guys that I should start my own poem book, I have gotten the courage to start but I don't know when to so can you please give me your opinion on when to start... Also when I do start the book I will only update when I get a topic to write on.. But as of now I have written some poems which I will put but after I will need topics.

Guys and also keep voting and commenting on this book to keep it going if you guys have any other feedback feel free to message me about it!!

Love you all❤️
Take care☺️

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