Game On~

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I guess.... this is where the competition starts.... I wonder who's gonna win..... The beginning of the real competition EXO VS LAVEV~

Chapter 6


"You think LAVEV will be here today?"(Chanyeol)

"I don't know... they haven't been at school for a week.... Maybe it's my fault......"(Luhan)

"No. It's probably mine. I told them the plan by accident because I thought we hung up already..."(Lay)

"It's fine. Don't worry. I don't think they'll come today. Lets head to class now."(Luhan)

We started walking to class. But a couple seconds later we heard a laughter.

"Hey... did you guys hear that? It sounded like Aly's laugh...."(Luhan)

"I thought I heard Viv's..."(Kai)

And we turned around to see LAVEV behind them.



And they came running towards us and hugged us by our couples.

"EXO let go. Seriously!"(Vicky)

"Oh sorry."(Sehun)

"Aly is your arm all better now?"(Chanyeol)

"Yeah. Thanks for asking Chanyeol."(Aly)

"Haha. Its okay."(Chanyeol)

"We're here to tell you something else too."(Erica)

"What is it?"(Luhan)

"We... Accept your challenge."(Viv)

"Haha. Okay. You accept the consequences too?"(Luhan)

"Yeah! Of course!"(Aly)

"Okay. We need to tell the school that."(Luhan)

"Okay. Then lets go to the performance area."(Vicky)

"Okay then. Let's go."(Luhan)

And we walked there with a microphone.

"Everyone listen up! We, are LAVEV. You guys may not believe us, but LAVEV and EXO are gonna have a competition to see who's the best. And the loser, has to be the winner's servant! The competition day in on the 20th of May! We need everyone to vote in this, okay?"(Viv)

"To prove that we're actually LAVEV, we're gonna sing one of their songs. Which is basically our songs."(Loui)

Aly sang one of our popular songs. Everyone seems convinced now. So we said thanks and went out of the performance area. Lots of people came up to us and asked for our autographs... I don't get it... Why would anyone want OUR autographs? We're not that famous anyways! Then EXO walked towards us.

"Since we're now competing with each other, we're not meant to be nice with each other."(Luhan)

"Luhan, you say that you guys were nice to us in the beginning."(Loui)

"Hmph. Fine. But I heard, 2 people here are dating.... Spill it out now!"(Luhan)

"What? One of us are dating one of you? Psh as if. If someone was dating one of you guys then it would be...." And so we all looked at Erica and Lay.

"Erica.. Lay... are you guys?"(Aly)

"Aly please! I'm begging you! Let me date him please!"(Erica)

"Why wouldn't I? The majority of us like the EXO members anyways..."(Aly)

"What do you mean majority? Don't all of us have a crush on an EXO member?"(Erica)

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