The Bad Guy~

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Oh god. The problem is gonna pop up now~~~~ get ready guys!!

Chapter 16

Aly's POV

"How do you..."

"So... How do you feel about me Aly?"

"I.. I-"

Then the car suddenly stopped. It was EXO and LAVEV.

"Aly! Luhan! Run away! The worst thing just happened!"



"I hope Aly and Luhan goes well."(Loui)

"Yeah. Me too."(Chanyeol)

Then a woman walked past into the practice room where V was in.

"Hey. Was that V's mum?"(Vicky)

"Yeah. Probably."(Erica)

"What is she doing here?"(Viv)

"What if they're planning something? Because don't forget what Aly's grandfather said. V's mum will kill him if V and Aly don't marry each other."(Kai)

"Guys lets listen to them!"(Chanyeol)

And we leaned against the door to hear what they were talking about.

"V.. Whats wrong now?"

"I was going well with Aly... But then a new guy came and asked her on a date. So she went."

"Who is he?"

"His name... Is Luhan."

"Oh. Okay. I'll get rid of him for you okay, V?"

"Okay. Thanks mum. Oh. And his friends EXO too. LAVEV... Get rid of LAVEV too."

"Okay. Sure. As long as you and Aly marry each other."

"Wait, mum why do I have to marry her again?"

"Her grandfather is SUPER rich! So if you marry her, everything will be yours and ours. Then after you get rid of her, it will be all ours...!"

"But mum... I don't want Aly's money! I just really love her! No one else can have her! I love her so I have to marry her no matter what!"

"Okay. I'll get rid of EXO and LAVEV for you while you lure her to fall in love with you so you guys can get married. The quicker, the better. But if she says shes not gonna marry you, I'll get rid of her too."

"No mum! Even if she doesn't want to, I'm still gonna marry her!" They were all so shocked, someone hit their head on the door.

"Who was that? Who's there?" It was Chanyeol who hit his head. We all went to hide behind the vending machine in the corner. So when V's mum opened the door she didn't see anyone.

"Okay. V, mum is going now okay?"

"Okay mum. Bye." V left too. So we came out and started talking.

"Aish. Can you believe that? They want to get rid of us!"(Sehun)

"So what do we do now?"(Lay)

"We have to warn Luhan first!" So they did.


Aly's POV

"Luhan! You have to run away! Go hide anywhere! Just go! If you don't, the we'll all be dead!"(Sehun)

"No! I have to talk to Aly first!" So he closed the door and told the driver to keep driving. It was getting dark too... Then the car stopped driving by itself.

"Whats wrong?"

"We have a flat tire. I'll just go and change it." Then when he got out, there was a loud BANG!

"Luhan. What was that?!"

"Don't worry about it! Just hurry and tell me how you feel about me!" Then the door suddenly opened and there was a guy wearing a mask and was holding a gun.

"Get down from the car now!" He was pointing the gun at Luhan.

"O-okay.." He got down. Then the guy punched Luhan and covered Luhan's face with a piece of cloth, then he fell to the ground.

"You. Get down too."

"Umm. O-okay." I got down too and I tried to run away, but he put a piece of cloth on my face too. When I woke up, I saw the most unexpected thing ever! It was so scary and unbelievable at the same time! It couldn't be... He couldn't.... No. It was too good to be true.

All over the walls, had pictures of me everywhere.

"What... Why are there pictures of me everywhere....?!"

"Oh. You're awake Aly. Yes. They're pictures of you. Do you like it? It's my room...."

"What. No. It can't. Who are you?" I couldn't see him properly. He was wearing a mask too.

"Its me. V." He took off his mask and I literally had a heart attack just then.

"V? Why are you..."

"Aly. Let me ask you a question. Will you marry me?"

"No way!"

"Well. Then I guess I'm going to have to do something I never thought I'd ever do."

"W-what is it?"

"I have your friends LAVEV and EXO here downstairs. There's a camera downstairs. Here I can show you on my phone." He showed me all the security cameras he had and LAVEV shown from then.

"Where's Luhan?"

"Luhan? Well. He's somewhere in a special place. Somewhere in this house...."

"Why are you doing this V?"

"I really like you. And I want to marry you. But if I can't have you, no one else can!"

"V! You have gone crazy! Wake up! This is not a dream!"

Sneak peek of next chapter:

Whats going to happen to EXO and LAVEV? Where is Luhan? EXO and LAVEV form a plan to save Aly and Luhan. But it's a complicated plan. Basically, Loui and Chanyeol go out to find Luhan. Luckily there are lots of people in EXO and LAVEV so no one will realise if anyone is missing or not. When they find Luhan, they go to find Aly. And when they find Aly, V was just about to do something to her. But luckily, Luhan came to help her. Oh and V, had a lot of security guards... 


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