Begin Investigation~

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Yay. I love investigating things xD

Chapter 35

Ilhoon's POV

Someone opened the door.


Aish. And I was hoping for it to be Aly.

"Whats wrong brother?"

"Oh. Ilhyuk. I just wanted to give this to Aly. She has a cold. Well last night she did."

"Okay. Thanks."

He took the tray from me then closed the door. That's nice. I guess Aly is still mad at me. God dammit.

Aly's POV

"What did he want, Ilhyuk?"

"Oh. He came to bring food and some medicine for you. He said you had a cold last night."

"Oh. Oh yeah... I was walking in the rain..."

"That's why Ilhoon carried you home... Wait but why?"

"Oh. Um. Don't worry..."


I looked through the tray then found a letter. To Aly. Mmm.

I opened it and saw... Gosh.

It was a picture of Ilhoon and I from when we were young... Hey. I remember this picture. Didn't it have Ilhyuk in it...

Eh. Ilhoon probably cut it off.

'Dear Aly.

I'm super sorry!! Please forgive this stupid childhood friend of yours... From now on I won't say anything. I confessed to you, then wrecked my image >< Please Aly. For the childhood friend who... Who has liked you ever since we met? ^-^ But even if you don't forgive me, I know you have a reason behind it. Mm. But I just hope I get forgiven today... :(

Your childhood friend.'

Aish. Seriously. I'm not that mean... I'll just forgive him. But we won't be more than friends. Ever.

I went outside to find him after getting dressed and everything. I didn't eat the food though... I would've.... But Ilhyuk ate it... 

Ilhoon was outside with LAVEV, Uncle and Grandmother. Eating breakfast. Making me hungry.

"Oh Aly! Are you okay? I was so worried when Ilhoon brought you home with a cold!"

"Hehe... Um Grandmother I'm fine. I'm... I'm just hungry..."

"Haha. Hungry? Didn't you eat the food Ilhoon brought in for you?"

"ts not that I don't like Ilhoon... Ilhyuk ate it while I was getting dressed..."

"Typical Ilhyuk."(Ilhoon)

"Can I... Eat...?"

"Of course! Here! Come sit."

"Thank you Grandmother."

When we finished eating, LAVEV went outside and walked to the park we went to yesterday. But they waited for me of course.

"Why did you guys want to come here?"

"Oh. We just wanted to go somewhere not stay home. So like the only place to go is this park..."(Viv)

"Guys. I want to debut."


"I want to debut as a group."

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