More Problems~

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Isn't this getting interesting? :3



Chapter 17

Aly's POV

"Aly! I love you! Please marry me!"

"I can't V!"

Chanyeol's POV

"Okay. Chanyeol untie my hands."


"Now lets go and find Luhan." We went sneaking around trying to find Luhan. We couldn't find him anywhere! So after looking in a couple of rooms, we found him... And I couldn't believe my eyes. He was in the corner of the room. With... Snakes! There were like 3 snakes slithering around.

"Luhan! Get your head straight! We're here to get you! Stop getting worried about the snakes! Just think about Aly! V could be doing anything to her now!"

"Loui is right, Luhan! Get your head straight! Stop worrying and wake up!"

"For Aly." So he got up and tried to walk past the snakes slowly. And actually, survived with out getting bitten.

I take that back. He was so excited he dodged the snakes that he wasn't looking where he was going, so he accidentally stepped on one of the snakes tail.

The snake was terrified so it bit Luhan. I hope Luhan has learned his lesson... But he still manages to keep walking to find me. I don't know what room Aly was in since there were so many of them.

Aly's POV

"Do I have to use force for you to say yes?" He started moving closer to me crawling on the bed, slowly.

"No. V. Don't. Think properly! V! Stop! DUDE ARE YOU DEAF?!" He stopped and looked at me.

"I guess not." He started coming closer to me again.

"V! DON'T! SERIOUSLY!! HELP!!" I guess Luhan heard me and tried to open the door but it was locked. I heard him turning the door handle.

"Aly! I'm coming!"

"Luhan hurry!! Please!!"

"Coming! I'm gonna kick the door open okay." And he did. He saw V coming closer to me so he kicked him off the bed.

"Haha. Trying to be the hero huh?"

"Don't. Touch. Her."

"Ha! Why not?" And he started touching my leg.


"Aha. Ooo. I see you were bitten by one of the snakes in that room huh?"

"Don't touch her!" V full on kicked his face and he full on fell to the floor. Loui and Chanyeol was hiding behind the door outside. And V didn't see them so he continued coming closer.

Then Chanyeol came in quietly, he sneaked in with a fire extinguisher and he told me to be quiet Then.. WHACK!

Loui helped me up and Chanyeol helped Luhan. There were lots of guards around so we had to sneak out. One of the guards saw V knocked out on the bed so they called all the other guards to find me. And they saw Luhan gone too so they went to find Luhan too.

Loui and Chanyeol told me and Luhan to hide somewhere first while they go back to the others.

Luhan's POV

"Guys! I found them!" The guard found us. So we couldn't go back and get LAVEV and EXO so I just shouted out.

"GUYS! RUN! RUN DIFFERENT WAYS! SEPARATE BY COUPLES! NOW BEFORE WE GET CAUGHT!" And they did. There were so many guards but so many rooms too.

Loui & Chanyeol

"Loui! Where do we hide?"

"I don't know! Run anywhere!"

"Okay! Come here!" Chanyeol took Loui to a room and it was all dark. Loui tripped over something and fell. But she didn't fall to the ground, she fell into Chanyeol's arms.

"Are you okay Loui?!"

"Y-yeah. Thanks Chanyeol."

"No worries." Then Luhan and Aly opened the door to come and get them.

"Umm. Guys? Is this really a good time?"(Aly)

"No no no! I tripped!"(Loui)

"Yeah of course you did Loui."

"But I did!"

Vicky & Sehun

"Vicky lets hide in this room!"

"Okay! Quickly! They're coming!"

"Okay." When Sehun turned on the light, it was actually a romantic room. As in there was tables and food and all those romantic stuff. So basically, they just enjoyed it.

Aly came in with Luhan and saw them.

"Are you guys really that hungry?"(Aly)

"Yeah~ I mean. No."(Vicky)

"Aish. You guys! Lets go!"(Luhan)


Viv & Kai

"Vivian? Where are you?"

"I'm here!"

"Where?" They were in a room where all the lights were off because they weren't working. When Aly came in with a torch they were on the floor looking RIGHT at each other.

"Umm. What are you guys doing?"(Aly)

"I couldn't find Kai so I just.."(Viv)

"Started crawling on the floor?"(Aly)


"Aish. Come on guys! Lets go!"(Luhan)

Erica & Lay

They were in a room with basically nothing inside.

"Hey. Erica do you wanna play temple run?"

"Okay sure. I'll verse you!"

"Okay! But I'm telling you now, I'm REALLY good at temple run."

"Psh. As if. I'll win!"

Then Aly came in and heard them talking.

"No! I died!"

"Omg you guys. Temple run?"

"No! Temple run 2...."

"Aish. Let's go guys! Seriously! Temple run? Aish." We all ran outside from the back so none of the guards saw us.

Aly's POV

"Is everyone here?"


"Okay. Lets go then."

"Okay." Then the unexpected popped up.

"Not so fast... You guys owe me someone..."

"No we don't! Go away!"(Loui)

"You guys owe ME someone too..."

"Oh god. They're back. For... for me..."

Sneak peek of next chapter:

They're all back... All of them.... They're all back... For her. Then her dad comes to help her too. Help her deal with his debt collector. Then the worst thing happens that night.... The worst thing happens... Its so sad. I would tell you guys, but then you guys won't be curious...


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