The Vampire~

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YESH. DAS right guys! I'm adding BIG secrets in *^*

Lol jokes. But yeah. You EXOTICS probably already know what it is... I made it obvious too.

Chapter 22

Luke's POV

Psh. I knew she was going to do that. I knew she was gonna try and jump out of the car.

So I locked the doors and did it. Even when the car was still going.

Luhan's POV

'Wow. Her blood smells so good.'


'Why does he look so scary all of a sudden... Red eyes... Sharp pointy teeth... He's coming closer!'


'What duck? DUCK OKAY.'

'Dammit. Who the heck is talking? How does he even know whats happening?!'

'Yes. I ducked. He bit the cushion behind me... Is that even normal?! HE WAS JUST ABOUT TO BITE ME!'


'Get out?! How?! Aish. I guess its time.'

It's time? Time for what.. Is she gonna let him bite her?!

Aly's POV

Okay. Its time. Time to use it for good. Time to go invisible and get out.

Luhan? Was that Luhan behind us?

He just jumped onto the car while using his mind to open the roof of the car. While I, was rising up into the air. Invisibly.

Levitation and invisibility. My 2 specialties.

I guess telekinesis and telepathy is his...?

I don't know. I didn't think he had powers. Did the rest of EXO have powers?

Because... LAVEV did. I know I know. Sounds weird. But we do. We all have different powers to protect us.

When we were young, our parents took us to this scary place that taught kids how to defend themselves and find their specialty. And I found my 2. Levitating things and turning invisible. My mother told me I was special. That sentence meant a lot to me. Not everyone has special powers.

"Huh? ALYSHIA! Where are you?!"

I'm guessing he was looking in the car and didn't see me. So I just levitated him in front of me. But he couldn't see me until I became visible again.


I waved at him cutely so that he would forgive me for making him go through all of this.

"Don't act cute. I'm not gonna forgive you."

"HMPH. I hate it when you read my mind."


He ruffled my hair and gave me a confused look.

"You know... My powers?"

"Telekinesis and telepathy?"

"Mm.... What's yours?"

"Invisibility and levitation."

"Hmm. Cool."

"Do the rest of EXO have powers?"


He started walking away from the woods and I just followed. We suddenly heard a growl and got telekinesis and levitation ready to move it away from us.

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