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I walked behind Vicente, my steps quiet in the night. For a fact, I knew the rest of the group were safe and Micheal's heartbeat was loud in the silence. A few animals were hiding and where dangerously silent. Almost as the world knew what is coming their way.

I took hold of Vicente's arm. His strength making me momentarily stunned."Stop," I whispered. Without realising how close we stood I pushed him behind a tree.

"You are feeling it too?" Vicente asked in a low voice, his eyes turned red. He towered over me, his eyes never leaving my face.

I gulped.

Cold fingers traced my t-shirt and went slower lower down to my waistband. I held my breath. The touch was light and teasing on my skin. My brain struggled to keep up with the sensations. Vicente took off my t-shirt with his other hand and let his fingers travel up to my navel.

By then I breathed heavily and I felt the blood rushed inside my body. On one hand, I wanted him to touch me more but at the same time, I clenched my fist. He let his hands wander a few centimetres from my skin.

"You are such a tease," I groaned.

He smiled. "I am not," he retracted his hand and took hold of my shoulder before he pushed me forward.

I tried not to miss the feeling of his hand against his skin, I truly did. I saw Wanda, Juna and Micheal ahead of us Vicente showed no signs of slowing down.

"Sorry to burst your happy bubble and all but I am straight," I said. I expected a response from him instead the silence only meet my words. "Not that I have anything against bi, pan or gay people," I tried to soften the blow.

Vicente stopped pushing me and walked beside me instead. "You are a gamer, what do young people do these days? Expect from watching Justin Biber," he said to me.

I smiled excitedly; I loved every reason to talk about my personal interests. "I absolutely love to play adventure, fantasy, horror and action games. The latest game I played was Uncharted 4, loved it! the graphics were astonishing. By the way, they were the same people that made The Last Of Us an excellent world ending the game."

"Really? What happened to the outdoor games? Water and naked ladies-"

My eyes widened in shock. I stopped up and Vicente did as well. The silence stretched out.

"You girls?" Vicente asked slowly. A frown appeared on his face, he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I do," I answered quickly. Too quickly it seemed - Vicente gave me a sceptical glance.

"I am gay," Vicente took my arm again, so we stood closer. His breath over my face, I stood frozen on my spot. My eyes moved from his filled lips up to his intense gaze that stared at me.

"I know," I whispered. He still held my arm his eyes looking into mine.

My name is Ethan and I am eighteen years old. I am straight. Totally straight. There isn't a hot guy ready to do something I have never done in my sorry excuse of a virgin life.

"You are a virgin?"

Had I said it aloud? Ops.

"Of course not," I laughed nervously. He didn't look convinced. "What? I am not that hard to fall for, am I?"

"Your reaction tells me otherwise," Vicente lifted his hand towards me and I flinched by the close proximity.

"Uh, I have kissed a girl, I was drunk. Went to a party and you know what," I lied through grit teeth.

Vicente raised one perfect eyebrow.

"I am saying the truth!" I defended myself and mumbled uncomprendable words underneath my mouth. Sexy beast for his own good. I am fucked.

"The truth is stranger than fiction," Vicente let his hand fall to his leg.


"If you have read as many books I have you would know, what I am saying is that even fiction can't compare to reality sometimes," Vicente informed me.

"Oh." My breath got out of my lungs.

"But are you the Newborn from the prophecy?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, maybe I am, maybe I am not."

He slammed his fist against my chest. "Don't lie."

I barely felt the impact against my chest. "Oi, precious cargo here."

He rolled his eyes. "Answer my question."

"Yes, sir. I am an idiot and no part of a bigger plot that tries to kill us both, okay?" I snapped.

"Sometimes I want to punch your brains out."

"Same," I agreed.

"Vicente! Ethan! We are here," Juna said from the front. Behind her a house raised up from the ground, it was made of tree branches circling around the house. It's colour dark brown as the trees around it, the grass unmoved below.

"Wow," I couldn't keep myself from saying out loud. "We are going to live here?"

"Yes," Vicente's voice said from behind me. "Grief in peace here for your lost and recover your strength for the battles ahead. Werewolves aren't the only enemies at the moment."

"You mean other than the aliens?" a bang of guilt filled my body once I realised I hadn't thought of my family for a while.

"Yes, werewolves are cruel and we have to take caution."

"Are they ugly or beautiful like us?" I asked.

Wanda smirked. "No, they are ugly while focusing on their next victim. They want to expand their pack, that's all."

I frowned. "Maybe they feel misunderstood by us? I mean, we look imitating in my book. Hell, I don't see any reason for a vampire to the good guy."

"Newborn, you got lots to learn still," Juna shoved into the convo while she showed the way into the building. They stopped right outside.

"Permission to enter?" Micheal yelled from the top of his lungs. A door opened and a person walked down. He held a lamp in his hand.

"Vampires and human-" he looked at Micheal "are welcome to enter."

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