Eight: my new best friend

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Uhmm...how long have you been there?" Donghae barely managed to squeak out his questions.

Seohyun was just starring at Donghae with an empty expression, one Donghae couldn't quite understand. But after a moment she just smiled and shrugged. They continued to hold eye contact for a few moments more. Donghae knew if Seohyun have seen right through him, Seohyun could see the worry in his eyes. So quickly he spun around and swept.

"I went for a walk, then without I realized, I already got here." Seohyun said slowly. Then she continued "Can I seat here?" she asked

Donghae hesitated for a moment. Then he stared at Seohyun as she stared back at him.

"Sure" Donghae said. They sat side by side on the middle of the court. Donghae didn't move at all and just stay quiet and wait for Seohyun to say something first.

"Where is the other player? Why are you alone?" Seohyun tried to start the conversations in the silent and awkward situations.

He turned his head to look at Seohyun and feeling relieved that she was finally talking.

"I don't know. I just got here. Then you came"

The air was still the same between them which is silent and awkward. Donghae thoughts were wondering off somewhere else again

"Hey, what's wrong? Seohyun asked Donghae. Actually Seohyun did notice something wrong with Donghae when she entered there. However she didn't want to bother ask him anything as she remembered last time incident when Donghae yelled at her.

"I'm okay. How about you? How about your practice? Donghae quickly changed the topics. He's not ready to tell Seohyun anything yet. Although he already knew a little about Seohyun practiced during the day he went to look for her, he still ask her.

"Umm..not so bad I guess. I'm the one who asked for it right?" Seohyun forced her smile

Donghae was staring at her as Seohyun continued to stare out blankly.

"Actually I'm still wondering..what's the real reason you want to join cheerleading? Is it because of me?"

"What? I told you before, it was not like that.' Seohyun can't help but giggle herself silly after hearing Donghae said.

"Then what?" Donghae still having a hard time to understand Seohyun

After a while, Seohyun began to stop laughing and took a deep breath to relax herself.

"Should I tell him?"

After a short hesitation she continued "Because I need to see someone. Someone that I cared. This is the only way I can see her." Seohyun said seriously.

"But I don't quite understand" Donghae said while showing his confused expressions.

"You don't have to understand, or one day you will understand." Seohyun took a quick glance at Donghae

"Must be someone important" Donghae said

"I only realised her importance after she left. Everywhere I go I am reminded of the times we spent together. I can't help but regret the way I acted before. I regret not showing enough cared, not being there for her and not supporting her interest. I wish I could treat her better before." Seohyun let out a big sigh

Donghae face tensed as he continued to stay quiet and listen to Seohyun.

"I don't know where all these feelings of regret are suddenly coming from, but I just wish her the best and want her to know that I'm sorry that I acted the way I did. I guess I really treasure my friendship with her" Seohyun finally managed to put herself back together by the time she finished those words.

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