:Chapter 8:

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I never bothered to pay attention to Isabella when she was in a deep sleep. Never had I been a creepy person that watched girls sleep. But now I sorta wish I did. That very nice piece of information could of gotten me out of this sticky situation.

Isabella currently had my right arm in a vampire-like grip. I was sitting up while she cuddled into my arm. Isabella tended to grab things once she got deep into sleep. 'At least she likes cuddling unlike some girls do.' Ash did have a point there. Some girls weren't all touchy, touchy. Isabella wasn't unless she was lying down.

I would of left her alone to sleep in peace but she was sorta death holding me. I sighed as I looked down at her. At least she wasn't freaking out. From what I heard she got bad when she decided to freak out. Suddenly Isabella pulled me down onto the bed then hiked a leg over me.

"Gonna kill Orchid." Isabella whispered in her sleep. I smiled at that. She knew what happened. She was probably gonna be a bat out of hell when she woke up. I wonder what she was so worried about meeting in whispering-waters. The town was a very sleepy quiet town. Barely any supernaturals except the mayor who was a gargoyle.

Werewolves only came here on vacations. I had never in all the time I had been here, encountered something life threatening. I was always exploring anyway so if there was something dangerous here I would of encountered it by now. When I was younger Andrew, my dad and I would always book tours of anything. I miss those days but I get a new brother now.

Not to mention Isabella has softened up to me. One day I won't be her friend anymore, in replace I'll be her boyfriend. I'd just have to wait and gain her affection and trust. But one day I will be living happily with Isabella. 'Do you think she'll settle down here?' 'It's possible hunters stay at there homes unless called on a job.'

Isabella was murmuring things in her sleep as she continued squeezing my arm. I was sorta frightened for when she would awaken. I could see her going nuts when she found Lucas and Orchid. Though I'd doubt she'd seriously injure them.

Moving my arm I managed to escape her grasp. Isabella grabbed a pillow and turned over. Least she was getting a good sleep. Standing up I stretched. "Dalton." Isabella murmured. She was dreaming about me! That is so cute. "Dalton where the hell am I?" Isabella asked in a deep scary tone. Turning around I looked at the bed.

There sat a awake Isabella. A non-drugged Isabella. A raving Isabella who looked ready to kill. "Um, your in my room at Whispering-waters cabins." I answered nervously. "I'm gonna assume you put me in your room to avoid pranks and being a good little wolfy." Isabella said as she stood up and brushed imaginary dust off her purple acid washed shorts.

Isabella had begun to shift and her punk style into punk summer clothes so she wouldn't overheat. I shifted mine a lot. I went from skinny jeans to shorts and band tees and muscle shirts. "Yeah Orchid and Lucas gave you to me to watch over until the drugs worn off and you fell asleep attached to me so I stayed here with you." I explained offering her a sheepish smile.

Isabella nodded as she walked up to me. "Thank you for your concern, do you know where my stuff is at?" Isabella asked looking up at me. I forget how short she is sometimes but she looks like she has grown an inch or two. "Yeah in the car, want me to go get it?" I asked. "I'll go with you." Isabella said as she began walking left from the room.

"The car is the other way." I called out to her. "I knew that." Was Isabella's reply. I laughed as I shook my head and walked after her.
With that I slammed the door to the SUV closed. "That is the last of them." Isabella said as she held on of her bags. "What's in the other two?" I asked looking at the bags I was holding. "One contains weapons, ammo, and some spare clothes the other is survival stuff if we ever get lost like a box of matches, rope, flare gun and a blanket." Isabella said with a smile as we began walking back to the cabin.

The cabin my parents owned was in the middle of the woods sorta like my house but with a dirt path instead of a cement one. "I have to admit this place is beautiful." Isabella said looking around. "Thank you, I've been going here since I was six." I said smiling at her. "Did you and your family ever do any vacations or anything special?" I asked gazing upon her.

"Well once we went to Clearwater and went to a rescue center, but we never really had a real vacation, my parents never had the time, although it didn't bother them even with wrangling three monstrous kids." Isabella explained a hint of a smile crawling on her face. She looked so pretty when she smiled.

"So where is everyone?" Isabella asked as we began walking to her room. She was originally suppose to share it with Orchid, Alana, and Angel, but they decided to sleep with their boyfriends. I didn't blame Alana, she was after all pregnant. But sleeping alone didn't seem to bother her. From what I heard she got herself a girl hellhound. That could keep her company.

"Orchid is showing off magik to Andrew, Nico and Angel went on a run, Rory, Rodney, Max, and Noah went to the lake to swim, Enyr and Lucas are off exploring Enyr's powers, and Ryne and Derik are at the shooting range." I said listing everyone. Isabella stopped dead in her tracks. "There's a shooting range here?" Isabella asked excitement beginning to lace it's way through her velvety voice.

"Yeah, no one uses it much but everything is new if you want me to bring you down there after we unpack your belongings." I said bribing slash blackmailing her. Isabella nodded eagerly. "Ok your room is on the right." I said pointing to it. Isabella dashed off to her room. "I have two of your bags." I called out to her attempting to gain her attention. The key word of that sentence was attempting. Her attention I did not gain.

Sighing I began chasing after her attempting to catch up with her fast excited pace. Damn could she run if she got excited. After five minutes for Isabella and six for me we arrived at her room. "Ok hear is how it goes, clothes in second, pants in fourth, shorts in third, and Pajamas and undergarments in first." Isabella said as she sat her bag down.

"Your really gonna let me not only see your undergarments but touch them?" I asked crossing my arms across my chest with a coy smirk. "Your right you put away the shorts and tank-tops." Isabella said with a smile.

Oh yeah. This was gonna be so much fun. Note the sarcasm that is in my voice. I set the bags down as Isabella began taking things out. "Thank you Dalton for agreeing to help me." Isabella said a smile settling onto her face. "I'm always willing to help you." I said smiling.

1254. Hey. So yeah pretty boring so far but do not fear soon there will be action (hopefully). Thank you guys for reading this chapter and sticking this far. I will be ranting in the next chapter about a certain SA ship. But until next time my fellow marshmallows.

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