:Chapter 9:

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Lucas smiled at me sheepishly. I glared at him. He smiled even more. I intensed my glare. Lucas gave me a sad smile. I gave him a death like glare. Lucas pouted while smiling at me as if he was sending puppies. I glared at him imagining daggers coming from the glare.

This went on for ten minutes. Everyone just watching us as if we were mice with highly explosive devices strapped to our backs and they were hawks. "Why don't you just say something Isabella, yes Lucas and Orchid drugged you." Enyr said looking at me.

I crossed my arms and huffed. Orchid bit her lip to keep from laughing. "In my defense you were freaking out which made a OCD person look good." Lucas said raising his hands in defense. "So you drug me and leave me with Dalton." I replied back angrily. 'It was actually worse, you were all over Dalton, cuddling him and calling him pet names-' After that I shut Satan off.

I did not want to hear about my drugged self. "Leave me out of this." Dalton said as he backed up towards Andrew. I rolled my eyes at his behavior. Wimp. 'Your just very scary when your mad, I would rather face off alligator in a swamp naked then you in a full body armor suit with all sorts of weapons.' 'You are not making this better Satan.' Satan laughed.

He thought this was funny. 'It's not funny.' Good because it is making me mad. 'It's fucking hilarious.' If steam could pop out of my ears it would be. "How about we all cool down." Nico suggested with an innocent smile. "And would we do that?" I asked looking at him. 'Someone rolled out of the wrong side of the bed today grumpy pants.'

"How about the river?" Dalton asked. "Remember what happened last time." I said reminding him of our time in New York city when we were dealing with the shtriga. "But this time everyone knows who can't swim, plus the river isn't that deep unless you go to the black parts of it." Dalton said. I sighed. "I guess we can go." I said crossing my arms.

Good thing I brought two bathing suits. A poison Ivy one and a Harley Quinn one. Both were bikini's. 'The tops look like bras.' Oh my Satan. Yes they looked like they were bras. But they were bombshell bikinis.

Dalton smiled at me. "Ok everyone be down in fifteen minutes." Dalton said with a pearly white smile. With that he ran to wherever his room was in the cabin. "Could you show me where you put my suitcases?" I asked Lucas with a smug look. "Yeah follow me, but be quiet Alana is sleeping." Lucas said. Alana. I haven't seen her in forever ever since the rogue war. I really needed to carve out time and just spend time with my friends. Cough Angel, Orchid and Alana. I almost forgot my pranking buddie Andrew and my adorable arty bud Nico.

With that Lucas began leading me to my room. Personally  I had no interest in swimming but you know. I have to be a good sport and do what the werewolves want to do. After all Dalton is the reason I'm here. If it wasn't for him I'd probably be sitting on my bed reading and sleeping the summer away with Aries.

"Here's your room Isabella." Lucas said forcing me a smile as he pointed at a wooden door. "Thank you," I said with a forced smile. Just as I was about to open the door I whirled around. My eyes turned bright blue and Lucas's went red-pink. "This is not over." I said venom in my voice. "When did we ever declare it was over?" Lucas asked with a smirk.

"It has simply been put on hold until there is no one to stop us." I said. Lucas nodded. With that I stormed into the room like a teenager mad at her parents. 'More like Lilith's vessel.' I swear Satan has decided to take a shot at crack. "Hello." Alana said getting up.

"Sorry about that." I said sheepishly. When Alana saw me she smiled. "No problem, they all have been pretty annoying lately so I feel you." Alana said as she got out of bed. "What time is it?" Alana asked rubbing her eyes. I looked down at my iPhone 5. "Ten am." I said. "What are we doing?" Alana asked tilting her head.

"Dalton is taking us to some lake where I will be eaten alive by piranha, my bones chewed by wolves and digistued by bugs," I said angrily. Alana giggled at my outrage. I guess I was a little paranoid right now. 'Yeah and the Vietnam war was a little disagreement.'

I swear with Satan and his talking. "Did you bring a bathing suit?" Alana asked as she walked to where suitcases were. There was a black suitcase. A maroon suitcase next to a My Chemical Romance one. A dark green suitcase with a brown suitcase.

"Yeah I actually brought two." I said smiling at her. "Well prepared, most of us brought one suitcase and bags." Alana said smiling at me as she rolled back her suitcase. Throwing it on the bed she began ransacking through it. Walking over to my suitcase I began searching for my Harley Quinn bikini. "Does this like nice?" Alana asked turning around. She wore a Sailor Moon bikini school outfit.

"Kadan will go crazy." I said smiling at her. The bikini did tip in towards her chest revealing cleavage for her but if I was wearing it all it would show would be skin. No cleavage here. So pass it on. "Harley Quinn bikini, the Harley Quinn I expected but the bikini I didn't." Alana said. "Does it look bad?" I asked worried. All I brought was two bikinis. "No, it's just when I first met you, you were so shy then you began breaking out of your shell then your brothers appeared and I think you revealed your true self." Alana said with a smile.

I looked down turning red. "No need to flatter me." I said. Alana was gonna smile herself to death at this point. "Well it's best we start going before they come to get us." Alana said as she slipped on her studded sandals. I nodded as I grabbed my iPhone and Harley Quinn slip on canvas shoes and began following after Alana.

'Great your calming down, the pregnant lady is gaining a mother like instinct.' 'Oh shut it or I'll freak inside my head just to annoy you.' Satan rolled his eyes before disappearing back to hell to do who knows what. I personally didn't want to know. When we walked out everyone was seated in their swimming outfits. Which contained from swim trunks to one pieces, two pieces and bikinis.

Dalton looked at me his eyes almost bulging out. Ryne however was glaring at him probably imagining trying to murder him. Ryne was taking up the protective older brother role. Therefore keeping Dalton at bay. Now I could be Dalton's friend. No weird surprise kissing he thought he could do because I said I wouldn't beat him up but I'm sure Ryne had no problem doing it.

"Are you guys just gonna sit there in awe or are you people gonna get up and get going to the river." I said annoyed. Rory laughed. "She told all of you." Rory said as he got moving. Lucas snickered before pulling Enyr after him. It was still weird thinking about that. My brother was dating my good friend. Not that I had a problem with it but they better not break up and if they do on good terms.

With my motivational speech everyone began getting up and ready to go to the killer lake. "The killer mermaid will probably be there." I said to Derik. "Lets go crazy girl." Derik said grabbing my head and pushing me to the exit. "I'm not crazy, I'm just have to much awesomeness on and it's burning your boringness." I said with a smirk. Derik rolled his eyes as we began going.

1366. SORRY. I had writers block. But I am trying so hard. I'm also getting ready to go to my home state. So... But I am trying my best. I know how I want everything to happen it's just getting it out on the computer. But I promise I will try to step up my act. Well Isabella is in a bikini. I actually wanted that bikini but Hot Topic didn't have the bottoms so I had to settle with Poison Ivy. What will happen next. Soon a completion will be released with 3 prizes. Until next time National marshmallows.

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