:Chapter 32:

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Why the hell was Isabella painting a picture of her and Orchid carrying a torch in a cave? That was just scary considering the situation that we were residing in. There was a crazy supernatural cannibal loose roaming around while mimicking Isabella's voice! Where was Isabella anyway? 'Talking with Orchid.'

"Dalton. You there?" Andrew asked as he snapped me out of my thoughts. "Yeah just in thought." I answered turning and offering my twin a smile. "Can I talk to you?" Andrew asked as we stood in the hallway like a bunch of idiots. "Sure, wanna go to your room?" I asked as we instantly began walking in sync. It was a weird twin thing between us, when we were younger we dressed the same and talked in sync if I decided to talk. Despite Andrew being the omega of the us he was the talker while I preferred to keep to myself.

People for awhile questioned my authority but that stopped when Ash began coming out and showing a more dominant side to me. My parents had trouble with my shifts, I shifted early and had trouble keeping my shifts in check, I was homeschooled for an entire year because of it. But I began missing the socialization that I was getting at school and finally got my parents to let me return to public school which I am very thankful about. There is a chance if I continued being homeschooled I might of not been able to meet Isabella. Maybe Nico would of let us meet her and I would of met her later but I enjoyed the way I met her.

She looked very shy and docile when I met her afraid to even stick up for herself. That attitude changed quickly soon to a more 'mess with me and I'll sock you' kind of attitude which I personally began to like better. It also worked out in Andrew's benefit since she has kicked many of his bullies butts before. Sitting down on my bed I looked up at Andrew now snapped out of my thoughts.

"So what is it you want to talk about?" I asked beaming up at my twin. "Orchid. Something has been off about her since the attacks have been happening with the supernatural cannibal. Like she knows what it is but at the same time doesn't." Andrew said as he tugged on pieces of his hair in frustration. "I find her awake at night going through books. She seems scared and I feel like if it attacked us I couldn't protect us." Andrew spoke pulling his knees up to his chest.

Great. Andrew had a case of not believing he is strong. He will need to discuss this with Dr. Vonetta his therapist. Andrew had a therapist to deal with the bullying that was happening, Mom handled a large percentage of it but some kids still attempted it. But not in front of me, I may be quiet but I knew how to fight. I was taught to fight when I shifted and had the darkest coat making me the future Alpha.

That was the difference with my pack compared to other packs worldwide. Most packs determined their Alpha by the eldest son and sometimes the eldest daughter depending on the dominance the girl has, then they could be a female Alpha not a Luna. A Luna was given the title by their Alpha mate which makes my Mom's story confusing. She was suppose to be the Alpha of her old pack but met Dad and gave up the title to rule beside him so she was both Luna and Alpha.

Isabella when she became my mate would destroy the position status of a pack. I'm not sure how many werewolves would be ok with a human as their Luna, not to mention one of the most deadliest hunters worldwide. But I'd try to make my best out of it, a pack cannot function without a Alpha female or Luna. Females were leaders in packs to be respected, if a boy was to hit a girl their parents would hit the boy. I remember all those lessons my Mom and Dad taught me.

"What should I do?" Andrew asked yanking on his hair. "Confront her, talk to her. Tell her she's there for you and if that doesn't work, do things that you usually do together to give her a sense of normal from this cannibalistic monster on the loose." I answered surprised at my own words. Who would of known, the werewolf still chasing his mate could give such good love advice. 'I had a perfect idea. Try your own advice on Isabella you stupid human!'

I rolled my eyes at Ash's sudden outburst. I guess I could try that on Isabella but I don't know what Isabella sees as normal. I was happy that Isabella had finally accepted me as one of her friends but that was being friend zoned but we did kiss recently by accident which I loved every moment of and would go back in time to relive that moment over and over again.

"I guess I should do that. Have you seen Orchid?" Andrew asked as he tilted his head to the side the flecks of gold in his eyes getting bigger. "I believe Isabella went go talk to her about the killer in her room." I answered as I stared at him. "That's not possible, she went to go talk to her then left." Andrew said as worry crossed his face. "Relax maybe they went to Isabella's room to discuss some tactics. We can go there now." I said trying to calm down the nerved boy. Andrew nodded before getting up and beginning to pull me to Isabella's room.
"I couldn't find them anywhere." Andrew complained as he merged into the kitchen with me. "You checked everywhere?" I asked feeling a unnerving feeling twisting it's way similar to knife into my stomach tying it in knots. "Yes even the attic I checked. The attic Dalton!" Andrew yelled as he grabbed my shirt. I grabbed his hands and unclenched them from my Grateful Dead shirt. "Was there any clues on where they could of gone?" I asked.

Surprisingly Andrew pulled out a familiar journal. Isabella's journal of the recordings of all the supernatural she had encountered. "Isabella had begun writing about this new monster and it said she hasn't had an encounter with it but will soon." Andrew said as he opened it to a new page and showed it to me.

A creature coming from Algonquian folklore. They were once HUMANS, but ate their tribe or camper mates and invited a wendigo spirit into their bodies. The change is not known but research will be done. There is two known ways to kill a wendigo, fire and beheading.

Fire. Isabella was fire. Isabella could set herself on fire, she could summon fire, she technically ruled over fire. I'm beginning to believe where Orchid and Isabella are but I don't want to. Angel could of told them where the cave was and went out there to kill the beast. Lucas emerged from the hallway looking very poker faced. Enyr was behind him on his iPhone probably playing Plants vs. Zombies once again. Isabella introduced him to that game and he became addicted.

"Have either of you seen Isabella and Orchid recently?" I asked fast as they walked up to us. "I saw them leave in Isabella's Mustang." Enyr answered raising an eyebrow that resembled Isabella's but ginger colored. God damn it! 'Maybe they went out somewhere.' Ash sounded unsure of himself thought which was never good, Ash was always sure of himself. "Ok but have any of you seen my flare gun, I had it but now I can't seem to find it after Isabella came in looking for some daggers to practice her stabbing." Lucas said as he looked at us. Fuck!

Isabella and Orchid were out looking for that Wendigo alone. To kill it.

1333. Hi! Once again, another cliffhanger. But don't worry when I published this chapter the chapter next to it will already be published. Double publish in one day! So the book will come to in end in maybe about five chapters then an epilogue depending on how much I fit into the chapters. But I have already started the book for the fifth book which will be published RIGHT WHEN I PUBLISH the epilogue. It will be awesome! But until next time Quote; my kill it Quote; Marshmallows.

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