:Chapter 33:

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I looked down at the directions Angel had given me to the cave. It was in words on what to do to get to the cave that she believed was where the wendigo was. Orchid was looking at the flare guns we had stolen from Lucas after getting ammo from him. "Are these really necessary?" Orchid asked twirling the flare guns around.

"In case I can't light the wendigo on fire we shoot it. I saw it in Supernatural so I know it is going to work." I said offering him a smile. Orchid gave me a doubtful look at that. Hey flare guns can cause fires, I think. I'm going with it can. 'You barge into battle like a barbarian. Wanna know what kind of supernatural you'd be.' 'What?' 'A berserker.' 'What! I killed one of them and I do not match their personalities.'

I did not go berserk in battle. 'I'm gonna have somebody record you fighting then show it back to you to prove my point.' Rolling my eyes I focused back on the paper Angel had written. It wasn't the directions it was the handwriting. Angel needed to work on that, she didn't have very pleasant handwriting but I guess that's whap happens when you grow up as a rogue. Nico was working hard to get his girlfriend slash mate accustomed to the life as a ordinary werewolf living in a human society. At the grocery store she attempted to fight a guy cause he took the piece of meat she was going to take. But she was slowly getting better.

Opening the car door I stepped out grabbing the weapons I had brought with me, which included some daggers, my pistols with blessed bullets to start fires. Then the flare guns which I hope will come in handy. "What if they go looking for us?" Orchid asked nervously as she played with the sides of the leather pants she was borrowing from me. Orchid literally had no pants, just dresses and skirts, Orchid was so girly but yet not. Shaking my head I looked at her blankly. "Then they do. But by the time they find us the wendigo should be dead." I said offering her a smirk at the thought of burning the wendigo alive.

Orchid still had a look of worry on her face. "Andrew is gonna be so mad." Orchid whispered as she cradled her wand to her chest. "Did you bring the wood and cloth so we can make a torch?" I asked as I began sliding my weapons into their holsters. Orchid nodded and went back into the car to grab the supplies we had collected for this mission. I expect some good money out of this job like nine hundred dollars worth of money maybe one grand depending on how much I have to risk my life. Hunting business was a nice business to do. It paid nice amounts per job but you usually got the money either once a week, every other week or every month depending on what you signed for.

I being the idiot I was signed up for the every month so I looked like an idiot at the end of the month as I counted the dollars. I was anything but poor, I just put a lot of the money I get towards college and so does Ryne and Enyr, except now Ryne and Enyr decided they wanted to pay the bills claiming that I am a child and they are adults. Their not even old enough to drink! 'Who got drunk in New York?' 'It was an accident. I swear!' I didn't think that many Pina Coladas could make someone drunk or that they could make someone drunk. 'He asked you if you wanted a virgin one and you said no.' 'I didn't no a non-virgin one meant alcohol.' Satan laughed and I bet bit his lip.

Orchid pulled herself out of the car holding a large branch that was big but light. "Isabella wrap the cloth around it. I have to go look for the matches, I think I misplaced them." Orchid said tossing me the stick and cloth. Did she forget that I could technically become the human torch when wanted. 'Isabella. Remember what happened last time that happened?' I rolled my eyes at Satan. I could light candles without lighting the whole candle on fire now. A flashback came into my mind.

Imagine a fourteen year old in a bubble bath surrounded by candles. She goes to light the candles with her power then sets them on fire. She then runs out of the bathroom screaming and not to mention naked. That was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life not to mention Derik just walked in when that happened. I didn't talk to anyone for a week out of humiliation. I left the candle naked bathroom lighting alone for awhile after that. Lucas began helping me with my fire powers after the incident. Lucas's fire powers came to him naturally now his seduction powers took more time.

Yup. Lucas was capable of seducing people when needed from Lilith's power. I'm not sure what my power is yet but I can't wait to find out. I believe that's why Lucas never didn't have a boyfriend but he didn't seduce his vampire ex which led to him cheating but now Lucas is with my brother without seducing and Enyr doesn't know how to flirt or even communicate very well if Ryne isn't with him. The two pull off of each other's energy. But Enyr has been loosening up since he began dating Lucas.

Shaking myself from my thoughts I began wrapping the piece of cloth around the torch. "Orchid why can't I just light the torch with my power?" Orchid turned back towards me with a expression that spoke are you stupid. "Because we want to surprise this wendigo. It senses the blue flames and the surprise is gone and it knows we're coming for it and we lose our advantage that could lead to our victory." Orchid said in a scolding voice as if I just said to shoot her cats. I huffed but didn't complain and went back to wrapping the torch. How did people do this in the old days? "Ah ha, found them." Orchid said flashing the box of matches.

I looked down at the torch I had just finished, wasn't beautiful but would work to go wendigo hunting. Not to mention I could attack it with it, online it also mentioned wendigos try to stay away from someone near fire. This torch is practically our life source when we go in that cave, that fire protects us from the wendigo. "Isabella we are about to enter on a job that could end our lives. Are you prepared?" Orchid asked as she stared into my eyes. "I'm more than ready. Plus we're coming out of this cave, alive and in one piece." I said as we lit the match.

With that she poured some gasoline on the cloth then lit the torch. "Have your flare gun and homemade fire thrower?" I asked as we began walking through the forest while we read the directions to the cave. Orchid showed me the full hair spray with the wind proof lighter taped to it. I grinned at her before we went back to tracking the cave.
"This is so stupid. We've been walking around in this cave and haven't found a god damn sign of this damned wendigo." I complained kicking some bones. "Maybe it's following us since you're being so damn loud." Orchid whispered her red eyebrow furrowing in anger. "We would of heard that damned thing." I replied glaring at her. "We just need to relax because fighting isn't gonna help." Orchid said taking in a deep breath. I guess she is right. 'Deep breaths Izzy lizy, deep breaths.' 'Take them asshole.' 'Thank you sweets.'

I rolled my eyes at Satan's behavior but didn't bother to argue with him. All I wanted to do was kill this sucker then go back to Greenburg and carry on with my sticking life. School was starting up soon, not to mention it was my senior year! I want to make the best of it before I go off to college to do something with my life besides hunting. I love hunting, it's something that I enjoy it but my parents always wanted me to have a normal life and I hope to find a passion in this last year. 'Your good at singing and art. Become an artist or singer.' 'I can't become a singer, or can I? No I'm a executer hunter not a celebrity hunter.'

I did the executing job not the intel job, I mean sometimes I go undercover before going for the kill but not fulltime undercover like Dwayne or Lady Gaga. I mean come on, plus I do get nervous in front of huge crowds so being a famous artist sounds nice, I can be as popular as Leonardo da Vinci. Suddenly there was a crack which sent red flags up. "Isabella remain quiet." Orchid ordered. I held that torch out and began trying to shine some light on the dark cave. I began moving it and stopped on it.

A figure came into a light, a figure that almost killed me once. Grey skin pulled over bones giving an anorexia look. Sunken eyes that were a milky white. Dried blood smeared onto it's mouth from some previous prey. Long nails produced from it's fingers peeling and cracked. The wendigo. It let out a scream. "Come on you fucker!" I yelled pulling out my dagger.

1618. Hi! So Isabella met the monster. No one entered the competition. Sadness. But you guys can still enter and get a chance to be featured. (I beg). But the next chapter will be extra long since it will have the entire fight and possible a character view change depending on my mood. But until next time my discovered marshmallows.

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