Chapter 5

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The morning sunlight penetrated through the windows and fell strongly on Amy's face. She groaned as she grabbed a pillow and hid her face beneath it. Err... who flapped the annoying curtains aside?
I thought to myself frustrated and an image of a brown haired, middle aged lady came into mind. Mom!
I forced myself back to sleep and nor soon had I felt myself drifting back into the realm of dreams did I hear my Mom calling out to me.
"Amy... It's past 12! Wake up already. How long are you going to be holed up in your room?"
C'mon its Summer break for crying out loud. Which means more sleep and less work. Why can parents never understand us poor souls?
Amy didn't move an inch, remaining how she was glued to the bed, eyes shut her chest moving to the regular soft rhythm of her breathing.
"Get down here this instance. We're leaving for Australia in 3 days and we're not going stepping a foot out until my old cupboard's cleared." Mom said and then I heard footsteps heading downstairs.
Mom was right. Our family trip day was closing in creating more and more excitement within me! Mom had suggested having her old cupboard cleaned up before heading out. Of course being the responsible Mom-loving daughter I voted helping her out. God, me and my big mouth.
But wait... hadn't someone stated he'd be willing to help ME out? I overturned and peered at the floor and sure enough there lied my HELPING-HAND.

Adam was sprawled on the hard floor his hands and legs outstretched, his face carrying an expression as if he owned the entire Universe. He was fast asleep, his breathing coming out in a slow even rhythm.
Adam had taken a habit of creeping into my room in the middle of the night ever since we had that Heart-to-Heart conversation. Once this guy scared the hell out of me appearing out of nowhere! The only thing which kept me from calling 911 and screaming for the entire neighbourhood to come running was because he had stuffed a pillow in my face and whispered it was actually him and not some burglar or a sick psychopath. Can you believe this guy?
I loved him, after all he was my dufess brother but no way was I going to share my bed with an idiot who had his own room and comfy bed just opposite my room. So he always ended up on the floor not bothering about the hard, cold surface.

Dad was totally against him dozing off in my room but as usual my brother had his ways of getting around to Dad.
"Hey Adam. Wake up sleepy head." He didn't move a muscle nor an eyelid. I started probing him with my leg to the lower side of his stomach. He slapped my leg aside and turned around to his eyes refusing to open his eyes.
I grabbed a pillow, aimed at his face and threw it at him. With a soft thud it landed directly on his face. Score!!!
But the annoying little creep seemed undisturbed. He snatched the pillow, placed it between his legs and continued his sleep.

With a groan I pushed my lazy self-off the bed and walked to Adam. My sleeveless top was crumbled a strap coming off my shoulder. Begrudgingly I yanked it back to place and moved my messy hair out of my red rimmed sleepy eyes.
I sat next to Adam and forced his heavy burden of a body to sit up. He felt like a lifeless puppet obeying my commands. I started shaking the life out of him. At once his eyes flew open as he grabbed my hands and pushed them away.
"Knock it off! Shake me like that and you're going to bring my brains out of my mouth." He tried to sound annoyed but his words coming out in between yawns completely ruined the whole idea of annoyance. He scratched the back of his head and stared at me groggily, his beautiful emerald green eyes now a deep shade of red. This guy has been sleeping all afternoon yet he still manages to look as if he hadn't slept a wink all night. I thought to myself as I tousled his hair and got to my feet yawning in the process.
"I'm heading to the showers. Get your ass off of my floor and run to your room and get changed Bro. Don't forget you promised to help me clean Mom's stuff." I said while making my bed, my back facing him. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and grabbed my towel.
Turning to face my brother, I found him still glued to the ground, sitting cross-legged, staring blankly at me.
"Wake up lazy bone. Get out!" I pointed a thumb out my bedroom. Reluctantly with grunts and groans as if he had been lifting a truck all day, Adam got to his feet and made his way to the door. But then he took a quick turn and walked to me.
"Where's my morning hug?" Adam asked me with a cute smile plastered on his perfectly smooth, flawless face. His huge figure loomed above me.
It's really a crime when the younger one is way taller than the eldest! Adam was a good 2-3 feet ahead of me.
This was his daily routine of starting the day. Wake up and then get on my nerves asking for a hug every single morning. I hit him with the towel and somehow managed to push him out of my room, remaining neutral and deaf to his protests.
"Take a bath. NOW!" And I shut the door. A deep sigh escaped my lips. I was only about to start the day and already I was feeling exhausted. God... This boy is a handful.
I reached for my towel which was lying on the floor now and dragged myself to the bathroom.

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