Chapter 6

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Why? Why did my Mom flinch? Why does my Mom look so terrified?
A lump formed in my throat while my mind was playing impractical and utter nonsense thoughts.
Mom swallowed hard her throat bobbing up and down. A sign showing that she was panicking. But why?
She kept looking over my shoulder desperately. Most probably with the hope that Dad would make a grand entrance and swipe her away.
I covered her field of vision. Her eyes bored into mine
"Why are you silent? What's keeping you from talking Mom?" I asked but she still remained silent. My patience was wearing out.
"Gosh Mom, I'm just asking my name not the code to hack into the Bank money vault!" It felt weird saying that, I mean who in the world would not know her own name?
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Dad walk in, Allie following close behind with a not so pleasant look.
"Whats going on?" Dad asked as he took off his specs and rubbed his tired eyes.
I let go of Mom and turned to face Dad. He would never lie to me. He has always been honest with me.
"Daddy what's my full name?" I chose to call him 'Daddy' instead of 'Dad' cause he always had a soft spot when I refered to him as Daddy.
He was about to answer but before he could even say a word I held out my hand.
"But please don't bother with 'Amy Valdez James Berlin'. I know that's not my full name" And Dad shut his mouth, cause it was obvious he was about to say that.
Unlike Mom, Dad didn't fidget though. He didn't look uncomfortable. His eyes were focused directly on me, then at Mom and back at me. He let out a deep sigh and nodded.

"Amanda." A chill ran down my spine as that name was spoken out. I looked behind me at Mom.
"It's Amanda. Your full name." She repeated herself.
"Why did you hide it from me? Why was I not told my full name?". My parents kept quiet. The silence was sickening.
"We just felt it was unwanted." Dad said calmly as he put his specs back on.
I cocked a brow, a smirk planted firmly on my lips.
"Really? Me knowing my full name is unwanted?" I scoffed. Dad's eyes narrowed. He never liked this kind of attitude.
"How did you come across it Amy?"
Did Dad just ignore my question!? Well just you wait. I'll throw another question at you. Let's see your response to that.
"What is this about me having visited Australia when I was two? I thought you mentioned earlier we've NEVER been to Australia before?" My glare deepened at my Dad.
I shouldn't have said that.
It's all what was needed for Mom to lose herself again.
Her steps faltered. She caught hold of the table for support. Dad made a move but I was too fast. I quickly grabbed a chair and helped Mom sit down. She gave me a comforting smile but it seemed forceful. And she refused to look me in the eye. Like she was afraid if she did so, she'd be giving away something important.
I turned to where my Dad stood and for the first time in my life, I witnessed my Dad's strong hard gaze falter. It was replaced with surprise, hurt and most of all insecurity.
What's going on?
Adam had joined us by now and stood in the corner beside Allie, who was now gripping his forearm.
Then something unbelievable happened. Something I had not expected.
Mom broke down crying. Tears streamed down her face as she looked up at me with pleading eyes. My chest clenched.
Did... Did I make her cry? Shit! What is wrong with me!
"We never meant to hide anything from you sweetie. It's just... Australia. .it's not a very fond place to us. Your Dad and I." Her grip on my hand tightened.
"Something. Something happened. Something bad. We... we couldn't remain in Australia. Your Dad and I had to return back immediately. For your safety. We didn't want anything bad happening to you love. It's not our fault! We just love you so much" That was all she said before she broke down crying once again.
I held mom in my arms, patting her back comfortingly.
"It's okay Mom. Sshh everything's going to be okay. The past is past. Let's not talk about it anymore. I know you love me. I love you and Dad too. I'm so sorry." I felt Mom's tense body loosen up. She hugged me back closely, holding me tight like she was afraid she'll lose me if she let go.
My mind was filled with more doubts now. I dropped the issue though. For now. It wasn't worth Mom's tears.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to my Dad's smiling face. I held his hand, gripping it slightly apologizing mentally. Then I walked out of the kitchen after convincing my parents I wasn't hungry and heading to bed early.
Why did I still feel not content? Why do I feel like there's still more secrets hidden?

"Cupcake?" Adam called out to me with his ridiculous pet name. Ofcourse he would have followed. He always does.
Planting a firm fake smile I looked at him over my shoulder. He walked closer and placed a hand on the side of my cheek.
"Don't try to cover it up. I can always see through the facade. I know you too well." His voice was husky, his eyes holding so much passion. I stared at him blankly giving him the You've-totally-lost-it-bro look.
"What do you think you're doing? Your pick-up lines for other girls don't work on me lil bro." I said as I crossed my arms. As soon as I had said that he staggered back and clutched his chest dramatically.
"But... but but.. they're pick-up lines I made just for you! I stayed up all night coming up with the perfect one." He said with a pout. I flicked his forehead as I giggled. He chuckled as well as he messed with my hair.
He smiled at me. No smirk, just his genuine smile.
"Everything okay Amy?" Adam watched me closely. I let out a deep sigh.
"I don't know Addie. Why is there so many lies and secrets around me? I just can't stop thinking about all this. It's like my heads going to explode with all these damn doubts!" I gripped my head in frustration.
Its true. There was always a throbbing in my head. Something which always left me uneasy. I felt even more frustrated when I realize the doubts I have lead to a dead end with no answers. Atleast no ones willing to give me any answers.
"Okay who are you and what have you done to my Sister?" Adam kept annoyingly poking my cheek. I slapped his hand aside shooting dagger at him.
"Whats up with you these days Amy? It's so not like you. Where's that amazing, idiotic, fun-loving, impractical Sis of mine?" I stared at him blankly. Was that an insult or a compliment?
"Look just forget about everything kay. We're flying to Australia in two days! C'mon its vacation time. No time to soak and brood around. Let's have the best vacation ever!" No one could miss the excitement in his voice. His eyes were sparkling bringing out the beautiful emerald colour. I giggled once more at his childish behaviour. At times my 15 year old brother acts even worse than a 3 year old toddler.
"Yeah... you're right. Who cares about the past. We're living in the present and that's all that matters. Lets have the best time of our lives." I said with a wide grin and held out my hand and Adam high-fived.

But... could I just leave things as they are?

Yaaaaaaay! Finally Updated! ❤️
How long has it been? Feels like a century!
I simply love writing this story but have no idea why I stopped writing it >_<

Anyway I really hope u guys like this Chap... It's kinda sloppy and not so good. Bear with me plz...

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Well till next time

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