Chapter 10

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I groaned aloud, screaming into my pillow. I was so frustrated with myself.
The door of my room opened and in walked my beaming brother grinning from ear to ear.
"What's with all the groaning and screaming Ames?" He asked as he sat on my bed crossed legged, swinging to and fro.
I fell back, covering my face with the pillow.
That's right, no one know what happened last night.
I had run straight back to the apartment without making any stop to catch my breath.
Only once I was safely in my room did I calm down.
Luckily no one had seen me rush in except mom.
When she had come in to call me to dinner, I had fallen asleep.

How could I have gotten into such a mess!

The pillow was pried off of my face and I stared at my brother's face. Adam looked at me with his lovely inquisitive eyes.
"And why did you go out last night without me!?" He cried pouting ever so cutely.
He was genuinely hurt I hadn't taken him along with me.

"Well, I wanted to, but unfortunately you were in such an intimate position with the bed spread, I had no heart to disturb you." I said smirking at him.
I wonder how he got himself out of that tangled mess.
Adam must have understood what I meant.
He groaned as he hit my arm while I laughed at him.
He suddenly edged closer, staring at my face intently. He took my face in his hand and ran a thumb on my right cheek.
"What happened? It's quite red." He asked.

Huh?My cheek is red? How did that happen?

Then it hit me.

Last night, one of those men slapped me hard. Ofcourse there would be a mark left on my skin.
Just the thought of that man's face, so close to mine with his stale breath sent shivers down my spine.
Adam must have felt me flinch under his touch.
He moved back not taking his eyes off of me.
Jokes aside, he was looking at me with a serious expression.

"Every thing okay Ames?" He asked a sharp edge in his tone.

Does he have doubts something had happened last night?

Can I tell Adam what had happened? Would he tell mom and dad?

"Uh... Yah.. everything's fine. The cheek.. well.. you see, last night I had walked around aimlessly and was sort of absent minded. So uh... I didn't notice a lamp post in front of me and ran into it." I said giving him a nervous laugh.

"You walked head on to a lamp post with your cheek?" He raised his brow confused.

"I was looking around. I hadn't spotted it in time. When I turned to my right, I hit my cheek hard."
I felt bad lying to my brother.
I had no choice.

I'm sorry Adam.

He just have me a shrug.
"And about last night." I blurted out.
He stared at me curious.

Shit. Why did I have to open my mouth again?

I played with the end of the pillow, trying to think of something to explain to him. Think Amy think!

"Last night, when I had run into the lamp post and fell to the ground, a person came over to help me out." I looked at Adam and he motioned me to go on.

"Well, you see. He helped me out and... I ran away without thanking him." I said the last few words in a rush hanging my head in shame.
There was silence. And then,
Adam broke out laughing, slapping his knees.
I glared at him.

What's so funny!?

"You ran away? Ames you ran away from a guy who had helped you out?" He said between laughter.

"He was only trying to assist you. Not molest you for Christ sake!" Adam continued laughing unaware that I was holding my breath.

Molest me. That's exactly what would have happened if the stranger hadn't come at the right time.

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