Chapter 9

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Waking up to a sudden bang on the head is the worst possible way of getting off of bed.
I rubbed my throbbing head, opening my groggy eyes trying to look at the clock.
What time is it?
It was dark outside. The Sun was setting.
I got off the hard floor and grabbed my phone from the bed side table.
It was only 6:30 in the evening.
I turned to look at my sister. She was fast asleep hugging her pillow close to her. She looked so innocent.
The entire house seemed silent.
I grabbed my jacket and walked out of the room. Someone had turned the light in the hallway. It gave a golden warm glow to the entire room.

I heard the tap running in the kitchen.
Mom was washing a few plates. I walked to her giving her a hug from the back.
"Hey sweetheart. You awake?" She asked ruffling my hair as she smiled at me.
I nodded returning the smile.
"All the others are still asleep. Are you sure you should be up?" She asked me while drying a plate with the dish cloth.
It's only been a few hours since we got here but mom had already started feeling at home.

"Yeah. I'm fine" I let out a loud yawn stretching myself.

"Hey mom, can I head out for a while? Look around maybe?"
She turned and looked at me.

"I'm not so sure that's a good idea Amy. This city is quite big, and you just got here. I don't want anything bad to happen to you." She said with a worried tone her brows scrunched together.

"Dont worry. I won't go far. Just close-by. I promise. It's warm in here. I could use some fresh air".
I gave her my best pleading look and she gave in. But she still looked uncertain.

"I'll check if Adam is up. If he is, I'll ask him to accompany me. If not, I'll go on my own. Okay?" I suggested.
She sighed and nodded.

"Alright. Do be careful dear. Call me if anything is wrong"

I gave her an enthusiastic nod and skipped to my brother's room.
His door was slightly ajar. I peeped in looking around in the darkness.
I heard a soft snore to my left.
Adam was in a deep sleep, the bed spread entangled around him completely.
I let out a chuckle and ruffled his hair before walking out, closing the door behind me.

Well that's it then. It's just me and myself.

I opened the main door and looked outside. It was empty.
I closed the door and made my way downstair.
The doorman gave me a smile and a wink as he opened the glass door. He seemed like a nice man, in his early forties.
"Out for a walk young lady?" He asked.
His accent was quite rough. But had a gentleness to it. 
I gave him a nod and a smile as I walked outside into the cool night.
The air was slightly chilly.
I pulled my jacket closet and started walking to my right.
The streets were still busy with people and vehicles moving to and fro.
Many gave me a friendly smile as they walked past.
The people here seem friendly. I guess it's not so harmful here after all.

I came to a new part of town. It wasn't as busy as it had been a while back. The only light which lit the street were the street lamps.
I noticed a park bench in front of me and sat down to rest my aching legs.
I pulled my phone out to check the time.
"8:00! Shit I've been walking all this time? I better get back fast. Mom will start worrying"
I quickly typed a message saying I'm on my way back and got to my feet.
Before I could take a step forward, I noticed two figures approaching me.
They were quite unstable, bumping into each other.
When they were just inches away I was able to make out their faces.
They looked in their late twenties. They were drunk, their eyes droopy and blood shot.

I better get out of here

I slowly edged away from the two men. Suddenly one of them caught hold of my arm.
"Whats the rush. Why leave so soon little girl? Let's have some fun first." He said grinning.
A strong smell of liquor hit me making me want to throw up. I turned my face.

"Let me go!" I raised my voice, pulling my hand from his strong grasp. I noticed the other man had stepped behind me, blocking my path.

"We won't hurt you. We just want to have some fun." The man behind me said as he laid a hand on my shoulder.
I felt disgusted at once.
I dusted his hand off.

The man in front, grabbed me by my jacket collar, pulling my face close to his.
"Be a good girl and do what we say if you don't want to get hurt." He growled close to my ear.
Without thinking straight, I lifted my leg and kicked him in the shin. He let go of me and dropped to his knees, howling in pain.
The man behind me was distracted. I quickly turned and ran away from them.
I couldn't get far. He yanked me back by my hair. I let out a yell in pain.

"Let go of me!" I screamed as I tried to pull away.
And then he slapped me across the face.
"We told you. Be a good girl and we wouldn't hurt you. You didn't listen. You're going to be sorry little girl." He snapped.
I heard footsteps behind me.

Oh no. Another one of their friends?

I started shivering in fear.

"What's going on over there?" I heard a new voice speak out.
I whipped around to see who it was.
I couldn't see his face. It was dark where he stood.
"Please help me out sir. I don't know these men and they're trying to hurt me." I pleaded.

I was beyond afraid now. Any moment I was sure I'd end up in tears.

I didn't know if this new person was good or bad. But I had to try.

"Let the lady go." The stranger said his voice hardening.

"Mind your own business. What if I don't want to let go? What are you going to do?" No sooner had my capturer said it, a fist collided with his jaw sending him in the other direction.
I stepped back covering my mouth in shock.
"You've got some nerve trying to pick up innocent girls at this time of the hour." The stranger said as he walked towards the two drunkards.

His back was facing me so i couldn't see his face. I could only make out what he was wearing. A tracksuit.

I was free. I could run away yet my legs weren't moving. It was glued to the ground. I didn't stop shivering. I was still frightened.
The tracksuit guy started hitting the two and they fought back. But the state they were in gave the stranger the upper hand.
Finally, they pushed him aside and ran away.

The tracksuit guy who had saved me made his way towards me.

"Everything is alright. You have nothing to worry. You're safe." He said.
His voice was gentle. Soothing. But he still was a stranger.
I took a step back. My legs were finally able to move.

"Dont be afraid. I won't hurt you. Look, I work at the Sydney surveillance agency. I'm a Det.... ah hey!" He called out.
I didn't wait for him to finish what he was saying. I didn't care.

I turned around and without looking back ran towards the apartment.

Beyond My Reach(#Wattys2018)Where stories live. Discover now