Chapter 12

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I found the answer to my question. It's a big NO!
Three weeks. It's being three weeks since I last saw him. I never caught a glimpse of the hot detective afterwards.
I passed his workplace a couple of times, yet still no sign of him.
Should I maybe walk up there and ask for him?
Will they allow young girls?
And once I'm inside what do I say?
"Oh hi. I was just looking for a Kevin Summers. You wouldn't happen to be knowing where he is right? Why you ask? Oh well, you know just to have a cup of coffee with me."
Yep brilliant plan. They'll throw me out right away.
I still can't get what's going on with me.
Why am I so occupied on him? No matter how hard I'm trying he just never slips my mind.
A certain chocolate haired detective, is always wandering in my thoughts.
The coffee shop has become my daily drop-by spot. One of the place I enjoyed visiting. I'm very well acquainted with the counter lady now. Even with the regular customers who visit the shop.
But never did Kevin walk inside.
where is he? Is he even alive?

So far I've visited almost all the amazing tourist sites Sydney had to offer. The Sydney harbour, circular quay, The queen Victoria shopping mall with its Romanesque-style building, It's beautiful stained glass windows and mosaic floors are definitely to be admired. The Hyde Park is a sanctuary of sprawling lawns, shady picnic spots, flowers, fountains, and fig trees.
The perfect spot to kick off your shoes and relax.
But of course. Who would not love the world famous Sydney Opera House? The graceful building, shaped like billowing sails, perched on a finger of land, surrounded by water is the most beautiful attraction sites you could ever come across.
The interior was as magnificent as the exterior. I was in a whole new world. It felt like I had completed my purpose in life, after visiting the Opera House.
It would have been even more great if I could have visited some places by myself.
But no, that was just too good to be done. I was always followed and tagged along by Adam. And if it wasn't him, then it's the entire family. I rarely got moments to myself outside the apartment.
give a girl some space people!

My brother had become quite the flirt. Not only back home, but even here in Sydney he had girls swooning at his feet. Most of the time he was oblivious to the winks and flirtious looks that passed his way. Thrice I had to calm down a jealousy raging fit girl from thinking I was his girlfriend.
He is afterall the high school sweetheart back home, being captain of the soccer team. His looks could be very dangerous.
I was once forced to order my brother to wear a hoodie the entire time! I couldn't handle the stares.

I was glad I could have the day to myself today. I escaped before anyone could come along with me.
I sat on the warm sand of the Bondi beach. One of the best places I loved to be. It was close to the apartment I was staying at, so I come here often.
I stretched my legs cracking a few knuckles.
My thoughts were suddenly filled with him.
Why am I thinking of him again? Hadn't I given up on him? It's been too long. There's no way I'd ever cross paths with him again.

I rummaged through my bag to find my sunscreen. Squirting a chunk load on my Palm, I applied it all over my arms and legs.
It was really hot. The Sun felt so close. I had been in a hurry so I had left my shades back at the apartment. My eyes were almost blind.
I tried to blink a couple of times and then look around. The beach was packed with families. Kids ran all over, couples hand in hand and friends pushing and shoving each other into the water.
Everyone had a partner except me. I sat all alone and I didn't mind it. I wanted to be left alone.

Hmm? Who's that? She's all alone too.
I noticed a lady by the water standing by herself. She was wearing a lovely sea-blue flowy summer dress which fell slightly below her knees.
She seemed like in her late thirties, her skin looked flawless and she was very beautiful.
She seems familiar.
Where have I seen her before?
I couldn't click it at all.

From her blonde hair to the tip of her toes, the way she stood, her posture all seemed like she was someone of a high class family.
I wonder why a person of such status is all alone by herself at the beach.
Oh well, not my business.

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