Chapter 7

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This is a final notice to all passengers boarding the XI16 plane. Your flight will be taking off in 10minutes. Please make way to the gate.

Just great! We're already facing a crisis here and the last thing we need is an announcement that our flight is leaving soon when we clearly were not in it!
Reason? Mom!!

"Please Mom, can we go? The flight doorway attendant keeps looking our way and she's going to shut the damn door if we don't make a move!" I was practically yelling. Many heads turned our way to see what the commotion was about. Why do we have to go through this every single year!?
Mom started panicking even more. She kept going back and forth, mentally ticking off the stuff she had packed.
"I'm sure I've forgotten something. Oh we should go back for a recheck." Mom said suddenly which even made Dad stagger in shock.
The flight is leaving in 10 minutes and she wants to go back home?

Adam stomped to where Mom stood and grabbed her by the shoulder.
"Okay Mom, would you please calm down? We haven't missed anything. The only thing we're going to miss is the freaking plane if we don't get on soon!" Thank god Adam spilt out what was on my mind. Mom looked at us worried.
"But.." Great there's still a 'But'?
"Oh for the love of God, can we please board the plane! Jeez Mom we've packed everything necessary okay? To be honest you packed more than necessary! If by any chance you fall in love with Australia, we could rent a house there and live forever cause apart from the furnitures, you've clearly packed up the entire god damn house! As much as it's amazing how you used Harry Potter magic to cramp up all those stuff into those small two luggages, if you don't move I'm grabbing Amy and getting on the plane myself!" My brother might have given a big lecture but it's the latter that was absorbed by my Mom's mind. She quickly grabbed her handbag which Dad was holding.
"Of course I'm not having my kids go alone. This is a family vacation. Come along now. We're going to be late." And she marched to the gates, leaving us behind while we stared at her for her weird behavior.
Finally after what seemed like forever, we boarded our plane and took off.

My back started cramping from sitting in the same position for too long. I tried changing seats with Adam and turning sides yet I couldn't get comfortable. I don't know how, but I somehow managed to doze off.
I felt someone shake me hard like Their life depended on it.
"Five more minutes Mom." I said between yawns but the annoying shakes didn't stop. Instead the shaking got harder.
"If you don't wake up this instance young lady, I'm going to hand over your blue berry Waffles to my one and only sweet son Adam." Since when did my Mom's voice turn so gruff and guyish? And why does she always bribe me with food!?
Letting out a loud yawn, and stretching myself I squinted my eyes open. And the first thing I saw was, a seat? Huh? Why am I sleeping behind a seat? And why is Adam sitting beside me grinning like he has just won the Nobel peace prize?
"Morning sleepyhead. Woke up just in time. We're about to land in 15 minutes." He said his grin getting even more wider.
Land? Land where?
And that's when everything came rushing to my groggy mind. We're going on a vacation to the land of Kangaroos! Okay that didn't come out right. Oh well you get the idea right?
I sat up straight wide awake now. I was so excited I couldn't wait till I got off the plane. And my wish wasn't too far away.
We landed at the Sydney airport and within half an hour, collected our bags and luggages and made our way towards the exit.
I'm finally here. In Australia. My dream country. After so many years I've come to the country I love. Though I still can't figure out why I'm crazy over this country.
I should be happy. Excited. Run around with glee. But then why does my heart hurt so bad? My chest clenched hard making it difficult to breath.

What's with this weird emotion I'm having?

A/N- new chap updated! Woohoooo!
This chap is under major editing. This isn't even the complete chapter! I don't know when I'll be updating next so thought of updating what ever I've written so far. Sorryyyyy!!!!!

Anyway hope you like this chap... And hopefully I'll try to update soon...
Dedicating this chap to Aysh_18 for being a great support to me! Thank you so much Teddy! ❤️

Until next time
Bye bye peeps!

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