Chapter 11

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Tears trickled at my eyes, the stinging sensation never leaving, no matter how many times I was slapped in the face.

"Please.." I continued to beg, my eyes just watering more, "I'm a virgin, please."

"Oh, all the more to do this, my dear."

His voice whispered in my ear as his lips grazed my ear. My heart beat quickened as I began to panic.

Bum bum, bum bum.

My heart beat the tune to a drum, creating its own music inside of my chest, my lungs joining in by hitting against my rib cage. The two organ band continued to play, speeding up their music in my panic.

"Stop...!" I cried out again, looking to the man before me.

I looked up at Jin as he continued to strip my clothing, "Oh, c'mon baby girl, you know you like it... besides, we have company watching."

I began crying more, looking at the door way to see Taehyung.

This must have been the pain that poor woman went through.

"You can be as quiet or as loud as you want, but if you try to get away then we will kill you~" Seokjin's voice sung out as he smiled innocently.

I only cried more, after seeing Taehyung brutally murder that woman, I knew for sure they were not kidding.

But my body moved anyways, squirming around as Jin's hands touched me. He pressed my body down, trying to stop my movements.

"No!!!!" I screamed more, Jin's hand coming over my mouth, only for me to bite it.

"You little bitch." He hissed in pain, bringing his knife up.....

Sweat drenched my face, my hair sticking to my forehead. I sat up in my bed quickly, my breathing heavy as I looked around the room. I let out a small sigh as I realized it was all a dream, it was all just a horrendous dream.

Then I felt my face getting wet. My hands reached up, my fingers gazing the cool liquid. They were tears. Then, I began to cry.

My body rolled up in ball, my knees hugged to my chest as I began to sob. Every emotion let out, every built up pain just withered away as I cried, screaming in agony as I knew I was stuck with hot, sexy murders.


I finished sweeping, putting the broom back in its place, getting stuff ready to mop the floors. I made the soapy water, getting a rag ready to mop it by hand, needing to with the blood stains everywhere.

I took a deep breath, the haunting images of last night's dream still collected in my head. I tried to calm myself, closing my eyes as I took in more deep breaths. But my breathing quickened as I felt arms snake around my waist.

"I didn't like how much you cried last night.... Why don't you let me protect you.." A deep, sexy voice whispered in my ear, lips grazing my earlobe.

Kim Taehyung...

Unfortunate Mishaps (Kim Taehyung/V X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now