Chapter 18

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"Or did you come back to rub what happened to Chanyeol back in my face?" He asked, his voice sneering at every word.

"Who's Chanyeol?" I asked, my curiosity came out as I but my tongue.

Taehyung sighed before speaking, "It's Baekhyun's old lover."

"W-What happened to him?" I asked, looking back to the Baekhyun guy.

"I killed him." He spoke, as if it was the most normal thing to say. Before my voice could even squeak out, he continued to talk, "It was when Baekhyun and I were trainees, training to be professionals." He sighed again before speaking, "Our last test was a big assignment. I was told to catch and kill this drug dealer who cheated everyone of their money. It was suppose to be an easy job.

"A very easy job. But I messed up, or at least the system did. They gave me the wrong address and picture of the man. I ended up killing Park Chanyeol instead of Zhang Yixing." He let out another sigh and began to talk to Baekhyun, "I swear it was an accident, please just forgive me already. I missed up being friends with one an other."

Baekhyun then shook his head, "How could I forgive you for this pain, you have no idea what it feels like to loose someone like that."

"You're right." Taehyung nods, "And I hope I never do." He spoke, hiding me more behind his back as if he was protecting me.

"Who's that behind your back?" Baekhyun asked, his eyes glancing at me as I gulped.

"It's no one." Taehyung immediately replied, glaring.

"Is that so?" He asked, nodding his head

I screamed, feeling arms grab at my sides. I began to kick and scream, my head throwing back. My looked to Taehyung in a plea, his expression just as shocked as mine.

"Let her go! She did nothing!" He yelled, almost in a begging voice.

"And as did Chanyeol! And he still was met with a fate similar to this one!" Baekhyun responded, reaching into his back pocket.

He grabbed a few knives out of his pocket, twirling one around his fingers before walking, throwing the knife to side. It hit a hard object.

A cry of pain slipped from the object, my eyes drifting over, widening as I saw Taehyung fall to the floor while clutching at his chest. A scream crawled up my throat, escaping my lips.

"Kyungsoo! Shut her up!" Baekhyun's ordered, walking towards my figure.

On command, a hand came over my mouth. I struggled more as tears welled into my eyes. I hiccuped a few times as Baekhyun came closer and closer, Taehyung yelling at him to stop his actions.

"He really found a pretty one this time." He spoke, running a finger through my (H/C) hair.

I took shaky breaths into the hand that was covering my mouth, watching him move closer and closer.

"Too bad you have to go." He chuckled softly.

Before I could react I felt a small pain but it soon grew. Baekhyun began to slowly carve away at my throat. Blood bubbled up my throat, choking on it. He only laughed as he watched.

This really has been some unfortunate mishaps.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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