Chaptet 14

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My body once surrounded by heat was shivering and gasping for any comfort of warmth. My limbs grew goosebumps and shakes to the point that I thought they'd fall off. My lips were turning blue, I could tell. I sucked them into my mouth to keep warm as I looked around. Well tried to. My eyes blinked and blinked, trying to get used to the darkness, only to still see nothing.

I groaned as I tried to sit my body up, my lungs gasping out from the tremendous pain. My hands flung to my stomach, my body hunching out. Then I froze, my hand coming in contact with a sticky substance.

I took in deep breaths of air to calm myself, trying to get everything under control as I tried to feel around for anything. Finally, I found something. I tried grabbing for it, only to have my finger pricked.

I drew my hand back quickly, squeezing it to my chest in pain. Blood began to twinkle down my finger as I strained my eyes to look.

Then suddenly, a light flashed on. I brought my uninjured hand up, shielding my eyes to the blinding light as I tried to adjust my eyes to the blinding light.

I looked around, finally taking my surroundings.

There on the floor was a knife, having probably been the object I touch. Upon closer inspection to the object, I noticed dried blood on the blade, falling all over to the hilt.

My face whitened and pale, having recognized to the dagger. My heart beat seemed to quicken as I looked more, my head growing faint as my eyes began to roll back. It was the same blade that Jin held to the woman's throat.

I turned my eyes away, blinking to have the blood rush through me again, keeping me steady. I gulped as I looked around more, noticing multiple streaks of blood, then I jumped once I heard a bang.

I looked over, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion as I looked over. I stared a long while before snapping over it.

There stood Taehyung banging on a glass wall. Why would he be locked up in glass? I stared longer before my eyes widened, I was the one locked up.

I tried to stand to my feet as I tried to get to his screaming figure, still banging on the glass with all his might. His face was fierce and his eyes were glassed over.

I stood up, only to fall back down as I felt hands on me. My body went rigid, frozen at the spot as the hands held me tightly to a body.

"My dear (Y/N), where do you think you're going?" A familiar voice whispered down at my ear.

I looked back at Taehyung with fear in my eyes, his eyes staring back at mine. I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out except air.

The my body slumped to the ground, an impact bringing me down. I winced as the pain my stomach grew, the sticky substance growing thicker. Then it clicked in my mind. This is blood. I am going to die here.

My head turned over to look at the figure beside me, my eyes blinking.

"J....Jin... What is going on..?" My voice croaked over as I looked to the male.

"I gave you everything." He seems to chuckle, "I gave you everything you could of wanted here! And still you pick him! The one who brought you most pain!" He was laughing by now, his hands coming up to cover his face, "Hell, he's the reason you're here, traded you in for the bitch we were suppose to kill."

I stared at him a moment before gasping out, "My life was traded...?"

"Hell yes it was, traded you in for a fucking blowjob, shows how low he is." He spoke, venom laced into every word.

My eyes glanced over at Taehyung who only hung his head low. I stared in shock as my eyes swelled up in tears, but I shook them back.

"T-That doesn't mean he hasn't changed." I spoke.

He only shook his head at my comment, "We'll see how much he wants you after I'm done with you."

I stared in horror as he came closer, lifting my head with my hair. I whimpered as I felt his hands at my body, lifting up my shirt to grope around.

I'm going to die here and Taehyung will be the witness.

Unfortunate Mishaps (Kim Taehyung/V X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now