Twenty-Two: Horror

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In the morning I didn't realize how short of time I actually had. 6 more days.

6 more days until I have to give Harry the letter.

Although he cheated on me and I shouldn't care for him, It still hurt terribly to realize that he did what he did.

I decided to find Georgia Rose and confront her and ask what really happened.

Googling her helped actually, I searched her name into Google, and clicked images. It was there, her Facebook profile picture. I went to her profile and message her, within hours she replied a 'who are you?'

I told her who I was and how I wasn't angry with her. She seemed quite angry with him, so she agreed to meet with me.

I wasn't to overjoyed with it either, I was actually terribly angry to be seeing her, but I had to find out what was going on.

I threw on shoes, did my makeup, and my hair.

I looked decent enough.

I was trying to look good I guess so that she thought she had competition. But really I wasn't that type of girl.

I don't know why I was so worked up.

Maybe because the boy I love was cheating on me the entire time.


"Katherine?" A sweet voice whispered. "Katherine Donovan?" I turned around to see a brunnette, blue eyes girl. "It's Georgia."

I nodded and motioned for her to sit down across from me. "Thank you for meeting me."

"It's really no problem." Her eyes roamed my face. "I'm so sorry for what happened. I had no idea, I promise. I would never..." She gulped.

"I know."

"I need to tell you something, I don't know how you're going to take it but I need your help." She said, meaning it. "Please don't be angry with me when I say this..."


ღHarry's POVღ:

"What kind of movies does she like?" I asked the nerdy, pathetic boy.

"Why are you asking me?" Simon asked.

"Because your her friend."

"And your her dick boyfriend."

"Someone has their panties in a twist."

"I've never liked you." Simon snaps and then sighs. "She likes Horror and Comedy. Thats all I know. Goodbye."

When Simon hung up I decided to go and rent Insidious, Sinister, The Purge, and Evil Dead. I wanted to make her feel special tonight, so I decided to rent her movies and have a date night. I waited for her to return, and finally at 6:30 she came home.

I smiled to her, kissing her lips softly. She seemed to not give the same reaction. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing." She replied. Katherine smiled and sat down, seeing the Pasta I had made for her. She kissed my cheek. "Thank you."

Katherine barely touched her food, "I'm sorry, I'm just not hungry."

"Are you sure your okay?" I asked.

She nodded.

I cracked a smile, why was she being so fucking stubborn?

We ended up watching Insidious, and she seemed fine the whole time.

I tried to be a man about it but it was some pretty scary shit. I enjoyed it though.

Katherine fell asleep in my arms leaving me all alone. There was no way in hell I was going to stay up alone, so I slowly drifted to sleep.


ღKatherine's POVღ:

I cracked an eye open and could see him asleep. At the moment I wanted nothing to do with him. What he did was nice, and I tried to put on my best smile but it was no use. He could still see through me.

Sobs escaped my mouth as tears formed.

Everything was ruined.

How could Harry have messed up so bad?

I couldn't tell him...

6 more days and maybe I could.

Why did I have to fall for the wrong person?

Why couldn't it have been Simon?

I know him and Georgia meant nothing by it.

But all I could think of was what she had said to me.

"I need to tell you something, I don't know how you're going to take it but I need your help." She said, meaning it. "Please don't be angry with me when I say this..."

Harry was going to be a father.




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