chapter thirteen

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the next day


"'So' what?"

"How did the date go?" Ashton groaned, growing impatient. We were currently spending our Saturday evening situated in my room playing FIFA 16, enjoying the cold breeze of the mini fan I had propped up on my TV stand.

"It was fine," I answered nonchalantly. Inside, I was freaking out. It was more than fine. It was perfect.

"Seriously? Just fine? What the hell happened dude?" He asked, smacking my arm.

Pausing the game, I turned my full attention towards Ashton. "Yes, it was fine," I stated, rubbing my arm where he had hit me. How was he so strong? And why was I a noodle?

"You are such a liar. Give me all the details."

"God, Ashton, you sound like your sister," I chuckled, playfully punching his arm.

"Oh, shut up. I just want to know if our lessons had paid off," he pouted, crossing his arms.

"Well, I did manage to make her smile and not run away in fear," I shrugged.

"That's a plus. Did she do that thing with her hair?"

"What thing?"

"That thing where her hair falls in her face."

"Yeah, but it just fell in her face on accident, that's all," I answered warily. What the hell is this guy on about?

"Did you tuck it behind her ear?" He smirked knowingly.

"I uh-yeah?"

"Man, she's got you hook, line and sinker," he chuckled, clasping my shoulder before un-pausing the game, resulting in me pausing it again.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Listen, I know Delaney, and I know her ways. You'll know soon enough, young grasshopper," he smiled.

"You should know that I'm not a patient person."

"Then maybe you shouldn't be messing with Delaney," he shrugged.

"I'm not messing with her," I stated, my voice rising.

"I know, I know. I'm just saying, if you want to be with Delaney, you need to be patient," he said slowly, letting it sink into my brain.

"Ok," I breathed. "But why would I need to be patient?" I frowned in confusion.

Setting his controller down, he looked at me seriously. "As much as she might seem like a firecracker, she's as vulnerable as a butterfly, and something about butterflies; they're hard to catch. If you run at them with a net, they're going to fly away. You have to wait till they come to you. She lives like that," he shrugged.

"But why does she live like that?"

"You're not the only one with secrets, Clifford," he smiled softly, picking up his controller and proceeding with the game, leaving me with my thoughts and a thousand questions.

a/n: the ump at my little sisters softball game looked like Luke and he kept looking at me and i'm dying, ok bye

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