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A_Crazed_Fangirl did this thing and tagged any to do it, so, here I go!

Also I want to thank her for putting me as their fave author. It means so much to me! Thank you SO much! I legit got a tear of joy from that!

Pic: my dog (with a giant tennis ball) (look at them big brown eyes! It's so dang cute!!! I LOVE AMMO! HES SO PRECIOUS! X3)

My favorite author:
It's a tie between Troxii , SpaceMomma , and Ally_Dreemurr , so go check them out! They're really good writers!

Things I've done:
Role play?
Oh yes! I used to role play NONSTOP on Roblox on an MLP TPP RP server. It was REALLY fun! I would sometimes be Pinkamena or Fluttershout. Then I started being Derpy for the LONGEST time doing Derptor RPs which was always fun to do, since it was my OTP and still is as far as MLP ships go. I still remember back when I knew very little about the show and kept saying that Twilight's element was Trustworthiness XD I got into an argument with someone about it then when I realized I was wrong, I felt so stupid! XD then I insulted a VIP who could've banned me, but didn't. Every time I say that username after that, I was terrified. But all-in-all, those were fun times! If my computer didn't run like crap I'd play it more, but it runs like crap, so I can't. I may make an RP book at some point. I'm not sure

Worked with someone else to write a book?
Nope. Never did. I may have asked you guys for an opinion (like the amino poll and girl name thing), but otherwise, no. All the books I write are done by me, maybe some inspiration like at the end of MOAB being a reference to the end SpaceMomma's "LBL" trilogy, but characters were swapped around to fit MOAB. And Frisk in the chapter 'A Pappy Time' was kind of a call out to the version from Troxii's 'Events'. You'll see a few references in my books both to other authors and other stories I've written. I made a very obvious reference in 'On My Own' to MOAB in the part 'Drunk Sans'. XD and there was a part in LOT where I sort of referenced back to Dying Light. I was gonna have the stories be connected, but I kinda messed it up. The timelines would be all screwed up and it's just too much to fix at this point. Now it's just a little Easter egg in my books.

Been the butt of a group writing assignment?
Um...does writing two podcast scripts alone count? I'm in this New Tech Network thing where we work in groups and one project we did was making podcasts. I wrote both scripts with no help. I even referenced Undertale in our Earth podcast...man voicing Vulkin was fun! And we had Grillby. And we made it into Hotland! AND used Another Medium in the background of the podcast! And no one got the reference but me! XD it was perfect!

Wrote a book?
-_- wow...22 works. I think you all should know this by now XD

I tag anyone who wants to do this to do it! Go ahead XD

My Art Book :3 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt