Teg youre it X3

77 4 8

Pic: Genocider Syo from Danganronpa

Ok Dark Harp tagged me...

I have to give 10 secrets about me...oh god...lets just get this over with...

1) I sleep with a tv on: yes...I sleep with the tv on...don't judge

2) I am somewhat afraid of the dark: somewhat. I'm fine sometimes, but sometimes I'm not...with music, I'm fine, without it I'm not...it's weird

3) I..I wet the bed until I was 5...: it's so embarrassing! But I couldn't help it! There was this special medicine too...had to inhale from my nose it was horrible!

4) I secretly wanna draw Underlust Sans..but I don't have the courage... It's just for the character design!! JUST FOR THE DESIGN! I like the design! That vest is awesome! But nothing out of line! Please don't kill meeeeeee!!! ;-;

5) When I was really young I used to climb my hutch...and that's where a tub of Desitin was (idk if I spelled it right. It's diaper rash cream). I looked like a ghost by the end of it...it took two hours in the bath to get me washed up

6) when I was little, I was playing an unofficial game of hide and seek with my parents. They were worried sick cause they couldn't find me! Our neighbor (who sadly passed away a few years back), who we called "Love Lean", was at our house to watch over my brother. Get this, I was hiding in either the laundry room sink or in a clothes basket covered in clothes. Love Lean found me in our play room playing with dolls, and the police were out searching for me by then...yea...

7) I get easily paranoid...I don't think j have paranoia, it's just I get paranoid easily after watching something scaring or reading something like that

8) I may or may not have read one or two lemons out of my own free will before...I feel horrible...

9) I have cussed before...just a couple days ago too. It was not too loud, because the person beside me didn't hear, but I cussed...I said "do you not see these little f**kers?" Referring to all the ANNOYING LITTLE BUGS FLYING EVERYWHERE WHILE I WAS MARCHING!! Seriously one almost flew in my eye and almost said "s**t"!

10) I can wake myself up from a dream. Yea I can do that. If things get bad, I just force myself awake. But I'm still kinda in a dream state sometimes and I can't move. Then I drift back into sleep and the dream continues. This may happen a few more times before I can wake up. I may try this tactic to get into a lucid dream, but it's kinda hard in a good dream... :T

Ok I'm glad that's over! Oh my god a couple of these were horrible!! ;-;

Anywho, I tag
To do this :3 have fun guys

My Art Book :3 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt