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I was trying to send something into JSE's live stream, but I was too late ;-; I had a speech and I couldn't fit it in a tweet. It looked like crap afterwards, but I tried still. No spaces, used letters, used u instead of you...it was bad

But he didn't even notice. Oh well. Better luck next time I suppose. He has millions of subs, after all and for me..I'm just another one in the crowd of millions. Basically a nobody in that crowd. I've tried to talk to him...but...*sigh* it ain't happening. I'm never gonna meet him IRL, never gonna get him to reply to my YT comments, never will get him to notice me on his live streams...nothing I do will matter anyways.

I'm fine...I'm f-fine ;-;

My Art Book :3 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt