#Get tagged bruh

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Got tagged by Mouseanaikim so uh...yea.


it seems like something I've done already, but oh well

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it seems like something I've done already, but oh well. Here we go, I guess

1) I have a Great Pyrenees named Ammo. We've had him for a little over 3 years now and he is one of the sweetest and silliest dogs ever! No joke, he will barely drink the fresh water from his water bowl, but he'll run upstairs into the master bathroom, stand at the sink, and wait for someone to turn the sink on. He'll drink the running water, but not fresh water in his bowl. Idk what's wrong with him

2) I am in marching band. I play a trumpet and have been for about 5 years now, going into my 6th year. And I've been in marching band for 3 years and going into my 4th. It is so much fun playing at the games and going to competitions. All the hard work and sweat is worth it!

3) I work at a roller skating rink. Yep. A roller skating rink. And I skate there a lot. Have been my whole life! I (usually) skate in inlines, but I will use quads when I don't have my inlines. I will put in my earbuds and skate to my own music (mostly remixes or fan songs of MLP, Undertale, and even FNAF from time to time). I love the feeling of the wind in my hair as I listen to my music and skate to the beat, busting out a few tricks while I'm at it. What sucks though? People. People everywhere. I like skating alone with hardly anyone on the floor. It allows me to skate without worrying about running into people. I've gotten hurt a few times avoiding others (like the time I was dodging a kid, but instead I rammed my elbow into the carpeted bench and got a carpet burn while just about sliding into a couple on the other side of the bench). I also have had the frame on my skate flip on me. Seriously the back bolt of the frame came off and the back end flipped around and I fell backward. I ended up having one of the guys and the person I was skating with help me off the floor and I was trying to help them by trying to move as well, but uh...it's kinda hard to move with only one useable foot. But I was laughing all the while.

4) I don't have my learner's permit. I am perfectly capable of getting one, but I just haven't gotten to the DMV to get one.

5) I have two Guinea pigs. Well, technically one is mine and the other is my brother's. Mine is named Jar Jar Binks (or Binks) and my brother's is Wooky. Both are boys and named after Star Wars characters. Wooky is a brown pig with hair that goes in every direction! Binks has long white fur that goes in only one direction and a few light brown spots (one on his face, ear, and his butt).

6) I used to like Danny Phantom. The show. I was obsessed with it for about a month back in 2014 until I found Invader Zim, which was my next obsession for another two months.

7) I found Undertale through Jacksepticeye. If it hadn't have been for his play through, I probably wouldn't have found Undertale.

8) the first time I heard Megalovania, I had deja vu. I felt like I had heard it before, but idk where I could have heard it. I still don't know why I had deja vu from it.

9) I talk to myself. Not only that, but I talk to myself with different voices. Like I'll have a conversation between two or more characters like Frisk and Chara. Sometimes, when I talk as Sans or as characters in the genocide run, I'll start crying. I'm not kidding. It sometimes helps me when I feel stressed or angry or sad. All these conversations or impressions reflect my current emotion most of the time, same as my drawings. I'll find myself drawing sad things when I'm sad and such.

10) I prefer the cold over the heat. Like, my mom can turn on water and say "it's not hot" but when I put my hand under it, it burns!

11) I've never been in a relationship. It's sort of unusual for someone who's 16 to have never had a boyfriend. I'm sure that I may find that perfect person now that I know what I'm looking for. I wouldn't have found that out if I never found Undertale as well. Sans is the kind of person I want. Sweet, caring, sense of humor, will protect the ones he loves, all that jazz.

12) I'm easily confused...seriously. I am. I'm also kinda forgetful

13) I'll randomly burst out into song sometimes. If I say a line from a song, I'll start typing up the lyrics.

And I'm done. I'm too lazy to tag, so I tag anyone who wants to do this to do it! :3 have fun guys!

My Art Book :3 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt