Art contest entry

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For kaelaminecraftgirl 's contest. The theme? Create a new animal (no hybrids)

I call this the Andominousaur.

It was a prehistoric marine giant (ranging anywhere from 7 feet long out of the egg up to 45 feet fully grown) that swam in earth's oceans during the Jurassic period. It was a carnivore, preying on many fish, young sharks and squid, and even other young or small Andominousaurs from another pod. These animals traveled in pods of up to 15 or 20. These pods would often break into smaller groups. These smaller groups would hunt. Some members would hide in the shadows while a couple would charge at the prey they desired. The ones in hiding would ambush the prey, making it near impossible to escape. If they were in the pod hunting, they would do a mass hunt, where they attack schools of small fish and catch as many of them as possible.

The pods consisted mostly of females and between one to three full grown males. Some males get kicked from the group if they lose a fight with another male, and they must survive in solitude until they can become dominant over another pod or start a pod of their own.

Males would fight over territory, females, and dominance over a pod. Their main attack would be using their tails to smack, puncture, or even strangle the other male. When they would start a fight, their spines would raise. Once both males have their spines up, the fight begins. Their tales are strong and muscular and can be used to strangle other animals, or another male in a fight. The spines are sharp and hard and can penetrate the skin. It's been proven that if Andominousaurs lived today, and a human came into contact with one of their spines at full force, the spine could cleanly cut through human bone.

The males that survive the fight and lose are kicked out of the pod.

They communicated through squeaks, clicks, and long tones and had binocular vision. As they went into the depths where they couldn't see, they used echolocation to find their way to food or just to navigate.

When it came time for females to lay their eggs, they would travel to the continental shelf and make nests in the shallower water. The pod would stay around the nesting area guarding it until the eggs hatched five months later. The young would stick around in the pod until adult hood, when the males would take some of the females to form new pods and spread out. Most of the time, brothers with stick together and the strongest of the two would be dominant, but sometimes the brothers would split off in their own pods. Andominousaurs would usually produce three eggs, but they have been known to range between one to seven eggs at a time.

When an Andominousaur swam, it could reach speeds of up to 50 miles per hour.

Well that's it! I hope this is good! :3

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