It breaks my heart

107 10 25

I know not everyone will see this, but I just want to get something off my chest real quick...

On my story MOAB, someone commented "finally someone gets it. I am gender neutral" and it just sparked loads of negativity. "There's only 2 genders. It doesn't matter what gender you think you are or if you consider yourself gender neutral, gender is always what's in your pants" is one such reply. It breaks my heart to see someone get such negativity for such a simple, harmless comment as this. I've tried to calm it down but I feel like I only made things worse. I may not be the best person to keep things like this under control, heck I KNOW I'm not, but I'm really, truly trying. This goes for all my stories. If something starts to spiral into negativity, I try my hardest to stop it before it gets worse, but sometimes as time goes on, I feel like I was just trying to stop a fire with gasoline. I only fueled it and its downward spiral. And I'd hate to delete comments and entire threads because of this stuff, but I've considered doing just that to maintain peace across my stories. So far, negativity is something I rarely deal with and most of the time, I have been able to stop it before it got out of control. But, when I see something that just gets out of hand and I can't do anything to stop it, I not only start to feel bad and worry about the original commenter, but I get upset and worried about how certain people can see me. I am not a bad person, I'm really not, but sometimes I feel like others could see me as that kind of person. A horrible person who has to get into business I have no reason to get involved in, but I do that to make sure everyone stays happy! I do the things I do to spread joy to people. I do it to spread my enjoyment of writing to you guys and when something like this makes me feel like I'm not doing as good of a job at this as I should be and that I should just...stop. But I don't stop. I keep going because I know that quitting is the easy way out of this situation. I stay strong, I put on a smile, I try to entertain because knowing that I can at least make one person smile warms my heart. Negativity and hateful comments towards someone is not the way to deal with something that contradicts your personal opinions. If you don't feel comfortable with someone else's opinion, don't try to take care of it yourself. You have two options. You can either ignore it and not make a scene over it or you can talk to me via PMs. I'll always be there to listen and try to take care of things, but if I see nothing wrong with such comments, I will leave it be. It's not like they are causing you any physical harm. We're all human, so why not treat each other as such. Treat each other as you want to be treated. It's not fair to have someone get negativity thrown at them, then the one that's being negative gets positivity. If the author is there to try to stop a problem, let them! Let them solve things! Don't keep going. If you started the problem and I try to fix it, just apologize and move on. It isn't like I'm there just to see my own words on the screen. I'm there to make things better for all people involved. I'm there to keep things running as smoothly as possible. You all know that I frequently reply to you guys, and I try to keep positivity flowing, but it's really hard to do that if these negative comments keep popping up. I...I never even considered that this kind of thing could happen. I never imagined I'd have to be dealing with this. I never wanted to cause such an uproar like this. I...I...I never thought I'd cry because of this, but can you really blame me? There's something taking such a downward spiral and someone possibly getting upset over it and I can't do anything about it no matter how hard I try to fix it! Because asking for everyone to get along is like asking a vegetarian to eat ribs! It just won't happen no matter how hard you try. At some point, things will fall apart. At some point, negativity will spark and ignite a flame that I can't put out. At some point, I'll mess up and just feed the beast until it destroys everything in its wake! And I can't control it because I'm only one person! I'm just a young girl that can't keep everyone under control and happy! I'm just...I'm just...I'm just a failure. A lame excuse of an author. Sure I can write, but what's the point if I can't keep my readers from going against each other...what's the point if I can't make everyone happy. What's the point in even continuing to write if these problems just keep popping up. I really hate to get rid of yall's comments, but sometimes I feel like there's no other option. There's nothing I can do to keep the problem from getting worse, much less making it better. So...I'm sorry if I can't make everything okay. I'm sorry if I can't fix the negativity without deleting the source. I'm sorry for being such a horrible person that I can't keep to my own business. I'm sorry for being such a lousy excuse for an author...I'm so sorry that I cry when I can't fix things. I'm sorry...

If it isn't too much trouble, please try to get along. Please try to be kind and friendly to everyone. It may be hard to do sometimes, but if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. It'd help me so much more than dealing with the "problems" yourself. It's all I ask from you guys. Please...

Sorry for rambling. I just...needed to get that off my chest

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