Chapter 3: Are You Ready For Us Australia?

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Sam's POV:

WHAT DO I SEE OMG WHY IS SHE AND HER BOYFRIEND HERE? I mean I can barely tolerate her and her irritating ways but now I have to watch her go full on cling with her boyfriend too? This is seriously one of those can you not moments. I mean I know it's only thirty minutes, but that's thirty minutes too long. Soon she interrupts my thoughts.

Carrie- "OH MY GOD HI SAM I DIDN'T KNOW YOU'D BE HERE. where are you going?"

Carrie's Boyfriend, Eddie- "who's Sam?"

Carrie- "oh, Sam's my friend from school."

Eddie just nods while holding Carrie's hands. She looks at me waiting for an answer, oh god I'm stupid I haven't replied. Or maybe I shouldn't. It'll save talking but I'll seem rude. I could use some good karma, so I'll be nice.

Me- "Uhm, Rachel and I are going to Australia. She's sitting right behind me."

Carrie- "Oh my god I've always wanted to go there. You're so lucky. Well me and Eddie are going to Oahu to vacation for a couple days."

Me- "that's awesome."

She starts to bore me so I let her talk and just mod with an occasional "really? That's good" or a "interesting."

Thank god we hear the announcement to fasten our seatbelt a for landing, I don't think I could've tolerated any more of her voice at all.

Once we get off the plane I grab Rachel and run to the flight board.

Rachel's POV:

Sam practically dragged me to look at a board of flights. Really? I mean we could've just walked. We saw that our connecting flight was the gate right next to us and we had about 45 minutes before it would even board so we looked around for a place to eat. Great the only things open are Burger King, McDonalds, and Starbucks. Well I'm not in the mood for fast food so I'm going to Starbucks and get a scone or something. Sam said she'll tag along.

We get to Starbucks and order our drinks and blueberry scones. We were both exhausted when we started talking about the plane ride.

I said "I'm so tired."

She replied "how in the world, you were out like a light."

I tried to make a come back "Well why didn't you sleep?"

She answered sounding irritated and annoyed "Carrie and her boyfriend sat next to me, and you probably guessed it. Carrie would not shut her yap. I could barely be part of the conversation. It was like she was talking to herself for hours."

I just started laughing at her, "well that seriously sucks for you."

All she did was stick her tounge out and say "hahaha, yeah yeah. Whatever,"

I checked my phone and saw that it was time that we start heading back to the gate.

I asked her to see her ticket, I hope I sit next to her instead of weird people..

She's sitting in 5A and I'm in 5B. I think that's coach right? I'm not sure the program picked our seats so it's probably coach.

We board the plane first again because were unaccompanied minors. We keep looking back to our tickets from the overhead compartments. We stop once we see 5, you'll never guess what. WE ARE SITTING IN FIRST CLASS.


Sam- "I know, they told us that we were gonna at the meeting before you knew you were going."

Me- "well that would've been useful information."

We sit down and a flight attendant comes to us and asks if we'll like a drink, and if we knew what plate we wanted for breakfest. So this is how first class is, I'm going to DEFINATELY enjoy this.

We order our food and a drink. After we take off our food arrives. Man it was good, bacon, eggs, and rice with a roll on the side. The lady came back and brought us a snack pack. It had goldfish, cookies, and a pastry. Oh god first class is so great. While we were flying Sam and I cam-whored a little. I mean what girls don't. Anyway the rest of the flight I don't really remember, I must've fallen asleep anyway I woke up to everyone unbuckling their belts and starting to stand up. I see Sam standing up. I whack her and say "dude why did you not wake me up?"

She replied "well I knew you'd wake up eventually."

I just tried to shake it off and get my things together. After that our next plane was leaving quickly so we ran straight to that gate and when we got on the plane it was evening and we were pooped. I mean jet lag takes it's toll on you. So we immediately fall asleep in first class, of course until we hear we'll be arriving in Sydney very soon. As in prepare for landing. So I wake Sam up, and all we do is stare out the window looking at our new home for the next 3 months. I hope we get the same host family, since it goes in buddies.

after we get off the plane we see a guy and a few other teenagers standing with a poster saying People to People: Australia and our names underneath. Before we get there to look at Sam and say "CAN YOU BELIEVE IT, WE'RE IN AUSTRALIA GIRL?!"

Sam- "I know, it's so beautiful here I mean look outside."

We smile and jump running to the group. He welcomes us saying "Welcome to Australia, I'm Kevin and I will be leading you to the head of your people to people group at your hotel."

Well they're in Australia now! Haha, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I like writing it. Well maybe a little more than that but have a great day everyone :) xx

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