Chapter 6: Don't Tell Me They..

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Sam's POV:

Our alarm hasn't rung yet bet Rachel's phone won't stop getting notifications. God what time is it even? I look at the clock and it says 6:10 AM. Shoot.

I jump up and wake up Rach by screaming in her face. "WE NEED TO GET UP AND GET READY IF WE WANT TO EAT BEFORE LEAVING. ITS 6:10 ALREADY GET UP."

She jumps up and runs straight to the bathroom. Thank goodness there's two sinks. I brush my teeth and change into some dark wash jeans with a tank saying "can u not."

Over that I have a charcoal button up cardigan. I do my hair naturally and put on a little makeup. For shoes I just wear my charcoal/black TOMS.

While I'm getting ready Rachel is putting on a tribal tank with an undershirt. She pairs it with some skinny jeans, as it'll be cold. She also wears a black beanie and some sandals with little makeup.

When we finish getting ready it's 6:30, okay we have time to eat. We grab our satchels and cameras and walk downstairs. When we walk down there is a LONG line of food. It's like food heaven. Words cannot even explain how much love I feel for this food.

Rachel's POV:

When Sam and I walk in to see the variety of many foods, not just breakfest foods. They had pastries and sandwiches and the whole enchilada of food basically. All I could think was did I die and go to food heaven? If you were there you'd understand.

We go to the line and I literally fill my plate up with bacon, eggs, sausage, a pastry, and some yogurt. Sam gets waffles, bacon, eggs, and a pastry. We decide to take our pastries to go so the waiter wrapped them up for us.

Lucky for us since were with a school related program, our money that we paid for it covers all the food. I can eat a whole truck load and it'd be covered.

When we sit we see all the people in the group we were in at the airport already eating. So I try to rush and eat. While I'm eating, since we have wifi in the hotel, I get a text from Ashton.

Ashton- "hey babe :) x"

Normally I would freak out that he called me babe, but it's an Aussie thing so I kinda get it. Although I still feel like screaming everytime I see it.

I reply - " heyyyyyy there. :)"

Ashton- "so where are you guys going today? xx"

Me- "a museum, supposed to be about science."

Ashton- "haha have fun with that. :P"

Me- "can you guys come and make it less boring? We're splitting into partners when we get there that's why."

Ashton- "I thought you'd never ask ;)"

Me- "haha oh god. c:"

Ashton- "is it okay if it's only me and Luke. I'm at his house and I don't feel like getting the other boys"

Me- "no problem. It's up to you."

Ashton- "okay, I'll meet be in the front in 30 minutes :) xx"

Me- "okay I think we're leaving in 20 minutes and it's only a 10 minute drive so it should be good. Anyway I'm gonna go back to eating breakfest now. see you later. :) "

Ashton- "alright babe, Luke said he's in. So see you there :)"

Right when I'm about to close my phone Sam asks "ooh, who you flirting with?"

I blush "no one, just texting a friend."

Sam- "and may this friend be Ashton Irwin, whom of which you are a big fan of?"

Me- "maybeeeeee.."

I tried to change the subject. "Did Luke text you?"

Sam- "uhm not sure, haven't checked my phone yet.."

Sam's POV:

I pull up my phone and see two texts from the one and only Luke.

Luke- "hey, rise and shine babe :) xx" and "so Ashton just told me we're gonna meet you and Rach at the museum. You're going right?"

I reply "Well good morning to you too. Haha, heyy. And yes I am going :)"

Luke- "so are you eating too or is it just Rachel :3"

Me- "uhmm, I finished before texting you. Rachel is texting more than eating.."

Luke- "bad table manners -_-"

Me- "haha I know right. So were leaving now I'll see you in a little bit. Can I call you Lukey, I'm gonna call you Lukey. Byee Lukey, see you soon :)"

Luke- "haha okay, whatever you say. Bye :) xx"

With that our conversation ends. Rachel and I both stand up and walk towards the bus. It's not one of those yellow busses thank god. It's a nice your bus with AC.

On the ride there Rach and I didn't talk much we were just amazed at the sights outside. It was so pretty in the morning. And the streets, oh my god don't even get me started it was just amazing.

When we get there, since Rachel and I were sitting we were the first to get off. We walk to the door following our group leaders direction. Once we get there he takes attendance, were all here. He tells us to pick a partner and we explore the museum together. Of course me and Rach are partners considering were meeting the boys. So we all break up into pairs and as the others walk in Rachel and I wait outside for the boys.

Me- "are they here, I don't see them."

Rachel- "maybe they're running late or what if we just don't see them?"

Me- "I hope they didn't ditch us."

Dun dun dun, here's your update. Sorry I haven't updated in like 3 days, until now. I was crammed with homework and psat stuff. And sports so I've been busy. Anyway here it is, as always enjoy. And I'll update faster if I can get some comments :) love you all and have a great day :) xx

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