Chapter 2: No Turning Back Now

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Rachel's POV:

Drew- "I'm sorry Rach, I can't do this with you leaving."

Rachel- "Do what?"

Drew- "Be a couple. And no don't tell me you're going to pass up an opportunity like this to be with me. I won't let you. Just consider this a break."

Rachel- "I can't just not be with you, I think I love you Drew."

Drew- "Believe me, I love you too. You're my bestfriend. But when you come back and if the feelings are there still we're meant to be and will be. If not, it just makes being seperated easier."

Rachel- "No don't do this please, we can facetime and text and keep in contact."

Drew: "I'm sorry, I don't think I can handle long distance. Being with out you is too much. It's only a break, may not be forever okay? We'll always be bestfriends though no matter what."

Rachel- "okay.."

After that was just silence, he drove me home and we hugged for the last time. He told me for the last time "I love you, never forget that. Breaks are temporary." I just nodded while he hugged me. I walked to my door as he waved goodbye, I didn't even wang to turn around. I wish this was all a dream but it wasn't. I walked straight up to my room and laid face down on my bed. I grabbed a pillow and put it on my head. I just wanted to die. It was unbelievable, because of one stupid trip, that I kind've don't want to go on anymore, I lost my perfect boyfriend. But then gain maybe he was right. At that point I started to think of the cliche quote "Let what you love free, if it comes back it's yours. If it doesn't, it wasn't meant to be." Maybe this was a good thing. Yeah, it's a good thing. Just think positive Rachel, positivity is the key to happiness. Okay well I just need to forget about Drew for now. Just think about going to Australia, with my bestfriend, missing school, this is the experience of a lifetime. Who needs what's his face when I have this?

It was about 9:30 when my mom same barging in my room.

Mom- "Did you finish packing already? I mean you didn't even eat dinner.."

Me- "No, I haven't started. I have a lot on my mind."

Mom- "well get packing, it's getting late and we're leaving for the airport at 4 AM tomorrow. You have an early flight. Goodnight, love you."

Me- "yeah okay, love you too."

Ughhhhh time to pack. Now that I think about it, I have a lot of packing. I mean I'm packing for 3 months here. It's crazy, Sam had known ahead of time she's probably almost done. Okay, mental checklist time. Tops. I need tanks, t-shirts, crop tops, sleeping clothes, and some formal clothes. Check. Okay bottoms. Shorts, a couple skirts, and jeans. Footwear, I need sandals, slippers, uggs, flats(toms & espadrilles), and shoes check. Okay underwear and bras, check. SOCKS, I forgot socks. Okay now check. Hair products, makeup, accessories, jewelry check. Toiletries check. And I'll put my toothbrush in the morning since I already showered and I want to brush my teeth in the morning. Okay now my carry on. I need snacks, phone charger, camera, camera charger, more food, all my school stuff, actually I'll pack that. I'll just carry a notebook and a pencil instead. Anyway back to the list, I need lotion, hand sanitizer, a magazine, and a laptop. I think I got everything. I walked to my room to ask my mom to check in a out in whatever I missed. She came in and checked while I got ready for bed. She added something's, and told me she'll give me a credit card that she's going to watch what I spend and will reload when necessary. She also said she out some of my savings in it as well. I hugged her.

Mom- "Hun, what was that for?"

Me- "helping me pack, paying for me to go, everything. I'm going to miss you so much mom.

Mom- "I'll miss you too, but I'll only be a phone call away. don't forget to send pictures okay. Oh and according to the list, you have everything."

Me- "well I'm gonna try get some shut eye, I'll be up early and it's almost midnight. Thanks. Night."

Mom- "Night."

I turned off my light, set my alarm, and fell asleep. I'm so ready for Australia, but is it ready for me?

The next morning I woke up to Classic by MKTO playing off my phone. Ohhhhh dear lord, here we go. I got ready and brought my large suitcase, duffel, backpack, and hand bag downstairs. I saw my parents waiting down stairs to take me. They helped me put my things in our pathfinder. Man I'm going to miss Hawaii, I grew up here and now I'll be living in Australia, a foreign country for 3 months. Who wouldn't be freaked out?! The car was loaded and we drove to the airport. When we got there I saw Sam getting dropped off by her parents.

My parents unloaded the car as Sam was walking toward me. She had a large suitcase, a duffel, back pack, and a satchel. Like me. What can I say, great minds think alike.

She sat on the bench to wait for me. So I looked at my luggage pile, apparently I'm not a light packer. I took a turn bear hugging each of my parents. I'm gonna miss this, constantly being with my family. At least I'll have my bestfriend with me. I say my last goodbye to my family as I walk up to Sam. I kept thinking don't cry Rachel, don't cry.

I walked up to Sam.


Rachel- "I think so, Drew and I broke up last night.."

Sam- "ahww, girl tell me what happened." She immediately engulfed me in a hug.

Rachel- "He told me he couldn't stand long distance and this was testing if our love is real."

Sam's POV

Testing your love, what is this the 1900's? Seriously who does that. I hope she cheers up, I mean at least I'm here right?

We stand by our luggage when an employee comes and asks us "Do you guys need help with your bags?"

We reply "yes, please." In unison.

Employee- "okay, which airline?"

I reply "Hawaiian."

He nods and takes our bag to the check in. We tell the check in person were on a flight to Oahu, then goes to LAX, then to Sydney. He replies "woah, you girls got quite a trip there."

We just nod, he checks our bags in and gives us our tickets. We walk to security, and go through. I hate security. It takes forever and it's an invasion of privacy.

We finally get to the gate but I tell her I'm going to make a Starbucks run. She asks me to get her a strawberries and cream. I got myself a mocha cookie crumble frap. I need some energy, talk about low on sleep. I walk back and take my seat next to Rach and hand her the drink. She thanks me and we start talking about where we're sitting. Turns out we're not sitting next to each other. She's sitting in the seat right behind me. We're both in coach though, I mean it's only a thirty minute flight so no biggy. We soon hear the announcement to board the plane. We were one of the first to board, since we are flying as unaccompanied minors. I guess flying alone has its advantages. I just sit there while the plane boards. The announcement said it was the final boarding call, and since It was rows of three I look back to see who Rachel's sitting next to. She's sitting next to an old couple. That's lucky well unless no one sits next to me then I would be luckier. I immediately see 2 figures run into the plane. I couldn't really see, I was trying to sleep already, like when I turned around Rachel was already knocked out like a light. Damn that girl can sleep fast. I tried to fall asleep when I could feel on the seats that someone sat next to me, oh god I don't want to know who. I open my eyes and see.....

DUN DUN DUN, cliffhanger. Just for you Rach haha. I hope you like it though, enjoy. :) xx

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