Day one

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The three off us shadowed behind our guide around the school grounds, taking everything in was a lot, by the time we actually arrived in a big hall filled with more people like us, I was exhausted, yet the day was not over? Adrenaline pumped through my body as the eyes of hundreds of children trailed along ours as we stumbled up the hall in single file. There were four enormously long, wooden tables, with bodies plunged either side of them.

They all had their stones, as a neckless, ring, bracket, earnings etc...
Me and Rowan grinned at each other as we walked through the middle of four tables.

Each one had a different flag representing the different houses.
Cyrus, Cleon, Alexis, Alexandra.
They are named after the four founders off talantou.



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We all of us stood in a single file line in between the four houses

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We all of us stood in a single file line in between the four houses.
"Welcome to talantou!" A deep voice yelled from the front off the hall.
A tall man with a bushy white beard stood with his arms open.

He spoke for what felt like hours.
Explaining that we would have today to settle into our surroundings, find our dorms etc... Then tomorrow we would have 4 classes which would last for 2 hours each, with a half an hour break in between.

Finally, after all off that, the next day we would have our ceremony, where we would find out what element we all possess.

We were led out off the hall and placed into 4 different groups. Myself, Rowan and her brother were placed in the same dorm, along with another girl who had long blond hair with bright blue eyes.

There was also two boys, one off them had light ocean eyes and fine brown hair, along with a well built body.
The other had pitch black hair and musty grey/blue eyes.

As me and Rowan walked into the room,

"Hi, I'm Kylie." A blonde girl spoke softly and had bright blonde hair with bright blue eyes, she seemed gently, her skin was unblemished and she too obtained a hourglass figure.

"Ah Hi I'm Alex and this is Rowan." I smiled.

The boys walked over a few seconds later. "Ladies!" The boy with dark black hair and musty eyes lunged himself onto the sofa in the middle off me and Rowan with his arm spread around the back off us.

"Cut it out maz!" Ash laughed and pulled him back up.

"Maz! Cool name." Kylie joked.
"Yeah short for mazin." He said. "And this is Jordan." He pointed to the boy with light brown hair and bright blue eyes.

Rowan seemed to take a linking to Jordan, she examined him in his faded navy top and skinny jeans as and he didn't take his eyes off her.

We all talked for a few hours as we unpacked.

There was a big room which we used as the lounge and two separate rooms either side. One for us girls and one for the boys. The rooms were pretty bare, beige walls, three pale white beds with shelves above them and a wardrobe / cheaters draws opposite each bed set. There was a large window at the end of the rectangular room with grey curtains drooping down either side.

"I DIBS THE MIDDLE BED!" I yelled as we all hurdled onto a mattress each. 

We waited for the boys then departed for tea at 7:30. There was a massive banquet in the main hall. The tables stocked with meats, vegetables, fruits, fish, dairies, then deserts to die for!

Shortly after we headed back to the room, stuffed to the rim!

Rowan and Jordan decided for a walk around the school, to find where our first class would be.

So that left me, Ash, Maz and Kylie.
We talked for a while in the lounge room then parted to bed.

I was woken up later on by Rowan creeping into the room.

I slumbered out of my bed to get a drink and found Ash sprawled out on the sofa with the lamp on next to him.

"Still up?" He arched his eyebrow, his
Dorsett tone sending the hairs on my body to stand.

"Nope I wasn't. Rowan woke me up." I chuckled as I rubbed my eyes.

I sat on the sofa beside him.

"What do you think your element is going to be then? Any guesses?" I asked him, trying my best to keep my eyes open.

"Well my mum told me it was based on things like skin, hair and eye colour, name, personality etc... So considering I have tanned skin, dark hair and my name is Ash! I'm guessing fire." He mumbled, as tired as me. "What about you?" He let out under the breath of his yawn.

"I honestly don't know. My mum said that sometimes fire and water can mix and create something different to most people. But she never really explained what. She said it can create some complications as well." I shrugged.

We whispered between ourselves for a few more minutes and by the end off the conversation I had fallen asleep next to him, I don't even remember what the last thing he said was.

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