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Third lesson. Air.

Mr Aeras. Me and ash walked into the classroom, we saw the girls sat together and the boys on the table infront.

"Ah! Two more! Sit down... Sit down!"
A tall lanky man, full of energy with a sharp jawline and rectangular glasses was stood at the front.

"Air! Wind! Tornados! Any one off them. " he continued.

Rowan looked at me and sniggered into her arms.

Ash whispered. "Oh, my, God. This ones totally..."

I cut him off. "Creepy?"


I giggled.

The same procedure took place, there was a presentation, this time he spoke while it was on.

"So, air, you can do may marvellous things with air! Create tornados or hurricanes, blow anything away with an invisible force, and with enough power you can even get the wind to freeze things."

He made big hand jesters which made kylie and Rowan chuckle.

"And now for the real fun!" He squealed like a little girl, handing out small glass bottles.

"Put your hands on the bottle, take a deal breath," he inhaled and held his breath for a couple of seconds, beginning to go purple he exhaled."and breath out" he panted. "breath in... And out..." He continued a couple of times, forming his hands in a praying position.

Ash tried but nothing happened, where as when maz tried it, something different happened.

He did exactly what mr Aeras told him to. A couple of seconds later the lid was flying down the front off the the room.

"Ah ha!" Mr Aeras shouted, pointing at maz, his eyes widening. "Yes! Perfect boy!" He stroked maz's head, smiled and forcefully shook his hand.

"I'll be seeing you soon mr Jenkins." He smiled.

"Wait, how do you?" Maz stuttered.

"Know your name? Wind can be used for many things, if you time it right you can use it to travel sound, to listen to people for up to 100 miles away. All I had to do, was time it right." He grinned and turned away with his hands behind his back.

"Your turn," Ash handed me the bottle.

I was hesitant at first, I didn't want another element to get in the way of me being like mum! Snapping out of my worried thoughts, I took a deep breath and began.

I pictured the time me and my family went to the beach and we were having chips and curry when a big gust off wind blew our trays out off our hands.

That is one of my best memory's with my family. I pictured it over and over,

Moments later a tiny swirl off grey had appeared in the bottom off the bottle, begging to get bigger and bigger, just like a tornado. It span round in the bottle.

"Wow!" Mr Aeras gasped.
"I haven't seen that in a long time!" He continued. "Not since a young lady, who looked a lot like you funnily enough, came to my class." He quietly said.

"Who was this?" Jordan interrupted.

Mr Aeras smacked his palm against his forehead. "Think... Ah yes!" He pointed his finger up. "Sara...." He paused.

"Allen?" I whispered to myself.

"Yes! Sara Allen. Know off her do you?" He seemed intrigued.

"Yes, she's my auntie... Sir" I spoke unsteady.

How could this be.

This is my third class and in every one I've been able to use an element.

"Yes sister off Michael." He noted.

"I'll leave you to it then." As he turned the bottle smashed, sending the tiny pieces of glass shattering across the room. My Aeras immediately held his hands into a cup position, stopping the splinters of glass in its tracks and swept back towards his palms.

As crazy as this man was, I had to admit, he was pretty cool.

Without saying anything, the teacher walked to the front of the class and emptied his hands. I could feel my blood beginning to boil in my cheeks. I buried my head in my arms resting on the table for the rest of the lesson. No doubt about it I hastily made my way out of the class afterwards.

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