Dark woods

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As we were leaving the school I realised that people were staring at us.

Well not us, me. "Whys everyone looking not at you?" Rowan whispered as she swung her rucksack over her shoulder.

"I don't know..." I replied unsurely, shrugging them off and continuing.


"This looks like a good spot!" Ash claimed, as he threw his bags onto the ground,  resting his hand on his knees.

We put up our tents and ash attempted to light a camp fire.

"Come on!" He shouted over and over, holding his hand above the small circle of dry branches and grass we collected on route.

"Here let's both try." I sat on my knees  next to him and copied what he was doing,

"Anápste ti fotiá, anàspste ti fotia" We recited a sentence in a old book I had gathered from the library.

"What does that mean?" Kylie whispered to jordan, "Light the fire." Jordan explained.

She frowned.

"In Greek!" He added, a smirk appearing on his lips.

We chanted, sparks appearing ever so often and going out. Two trips for more branches later and the fire was lit.

"Marshmallows anyone?" Rowan giggled, bringing over the bag and some scours.

The sun had faded by now, and tonight was a full moon. There was a large opening in the trees above our camp site, and as the night went on the stars grew brighter.

"Okay Brooklyn, try this." I handed her a tacky old book and pointed to page 713.

"Bála apó to fos tou íliou"
Ball of light

It read as the title, the cursive faded ink was pretty hard to read. Surprisingly she understood it rather well, she recited the spell a few times before saying it out loud.

Cupping her hands about 5cm apart she mumbled it aloud.

When nothing happened she leant back "it's no good, we need a teacher, a proper teacher!"

"Yeah were never going to learn anything this way!" Maz added.

I frowned. "Really guys, come on. I mean, that was hardly an attempt!"

Rowan's head shop up. "What's that supposed to mean?!"

I said nothing, just glanced around at everyone else. At this point they had realised it was best not to make any eye contact. "Look I mean..."

She cut me off. "You give it a go if you think it's so 'easy'!" She rolled her eyes. Sitting back from the fire and next to maz.

Without saying another word I brought my body posture up and sat on my knees, holding my hands apart. "Bála apó to fos tou íliou." I spoke softly, at first. When nothing happened, I raised my tone, as I continued  to upbringing my voice a tiny speck of light appears, right in the centre of ye gap in my palms. It grew as my voice did, until there was a ball about the size of a base ball.

I didn't take my eyes off the burning red fire, until I felt a warm presence behind me.

"Try this..." Ash whispers into my ear.

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