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Fourth lesson.

With mr foeti. I sat next to ash again.
I looked at Rowan who was sat by kylie, but she couldn't keep her eyes off Maz. A male teacher walked in a couple of minutes late, he wore a dark black suite and had dark black hair, pitch black eyes and was about 6ft 4.

"For those off you who are going to be in my class next year, my name is mr foeti. And for those of you stupid children who are going to fail all off your classes. It means fire in Greek." He said firmly, his deep tone of voice croaked as he finished the sentence.

I can tell I'm not going to get along with him. He seems really moody! His pale skin vanished as he walked into a dark corner of the room, "Something funny?" He snapped at Jordan and maz who were in hysterics.

"Uh... No sir." Jordan quickly replied, clearing th smirk off his face as a deep glare made eye contact with him. 

Maz began to gored in the face, puckering his cheeks in attempt to hold in the laughter.

He hastily hid a piece of paper under the desk, scrupling it into his hands. 

"I'll have that think you." Mr foeti took the piece of paper and opened it. As he read it his eyes widened. "Do you think this is appropriate?" He held up the paper. "This, will not be acceptable in my class." He yelled. "Stay behind at the end." He pointed at Maz who was still creasing up.

Mr foeti showed us a clip presentation, then he explained that if we inherited this element we would be able to heat any liquid or object to over boiling temperature with our bare hands, control, and even make fires that could destroy towns or even cities. The best part about it all... The fiery mythical creature we could connect with, dragons...

"Now for the important part." He said handing out a candle to each person. "Everyone here needs to ATTEMPT to light the wick." He sarcastically said.

Ash attempted to go first, took a deep breath in and out, suddenly a red flame danced in the wick for a split second, then a stream of grey smoke replaced it.

Mr foeti walked passed and nodded.

"Think he likes you," I smiled at Ash.

"Ha, guess so." I could hear the confidence lingering in his voice, with a proud smirk slapped across his face he slid the candle in my direction.

"You gonna attempt?" He asked me mocking our teacher.

I hesitated "uh... I guess..." We were interrupted by the bell, signalling the end off the lesson.
Everyone began to walk out.  "Maybe some other time," I said to Ash. In all honesty I didn't want to give it a go, this way, I wouldn't be able to get anymore confused! I had no idea what was going on, why was I able to make a connection, a strong connection, with all three elements I had attempted? Thus didn't feel right... I knew something was up, but I didn't want to make it obvious that at this moment, I was terrified...

"Hey Alex, we're going to go back to the room, you coming?" Rowan asked as she stood waiting by the door, clutching her bright blue folder under her arm.

"Yeah, I'll be there now." I softly spoke, not really sure if she could actually hear me or not. 

I sat there until the room was completely empty, taking out my phone a searching for my mums contact.

It rang for a couple of seconds, then cut off, "Please leave a message after the beep..." It continued.

"Hi... Uh.. Mum... I need to talk to you about... something... I'm having trouble... I think I'm diff... I've been able to..." I paused. "Actually never mind, Can you call me back when you get this please, bye, missing you, lo..." The answer machine ended. Typical, this always happens, I have something really important to say and it cuts me off!

The candles were still placed out on the desks. I scanned my surroundings, no one was here. Placing my hand on the slightly melted wax I closed my eyes.

"What's the worst that can happen?," I whispered to myself, taking a deep breath in.

I simply sat there, picturing the wick lighting on fire. I opened my eyes and to my surprise, nothing was lit. I let out a sigh of relief and picked up my bag.Checking the wick was still black once more, I began to walk away. Just as I reached the door, I felt a unusual presence behind me. 

I had to catch my breath as every candle one each desk was lit...

Every single one had a roaring, bright red flame on top off them.

"How is this even possible?" I murmured, "This isn't possible" I felt as tho the breath around me was fading away, my lungs were getting tight and... 

"Yes, yes it is," a old man entered the room behind me, it was the same man who was in the hall on the first day, the headmaster. "Miss Allen, I've been informed that your having some... Difficulties." He softly said, peering over the top of his oval thin glasses.

"Um... Yeah... How do you..." I stuttered.

"As you know, each teacher has to send me a report on each student who is legible for each element. Your name has been popping up, on each off them." He continued to walk down the middle row of desks.

"How? I thought we only had one element?" I questioned.

"Most of the time yes, but for you... For you it's different." He continued. "It only happens once every hundred years, you have made a connection with every element."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that in the ceremony tomorrow, you will have a different out come to everyone else." He smiled.

"It's nothing to be ashamed off. If you need me at anytime, I'll be here to help," I smiled at him. "Here, anyone who needs help, will find it." He grinned at me and walked away. "You just have to know who to ask."

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