You want me to what?!?

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Plz commeNT And FAVor, it wIll defently Help ME update  . Cause Arthur_senpai needs love..... Let's just continue.. Also if u have any ideas or request I'd like to hear it,
I walked back with the painfully heavy bags when some one bumped into me, "hey watch were you going " I yelled picking myself and the groceries up. " o..oh s..sorry " I looked up to see the red hair boy who's in and out of the bar I sometimes work at. And yes Ik jobs aren't to be done but me a mr.souh made an agreement. " ughhhh. It's fine but now I have to pick up these damn groceries " . He helped gather to rest and skated off as I headed back to ouran , " great now koyay going to be all ' what took you so long , you know being late is blah blah blah I'm a tall heartless man' ". I walked in music room three and everyone looked at me , " yes it is I the great and beautiful y/n " . I took out the coffee and tamaki eyes widen , I had brought the kind in the little cup . Tamaki grape pad it In aww " what kind of commoner coffee is this " , haruhi sighed before walking over to now what was a group of ppl around the Small cups " guys it's still instant coffee ...but more instant?" .
      Karou took on of the cups a shook it " there in the cup?" I sighed " dumb rich people " . I pulled Haruhi with me and made some coffee  " there really not the brightest " Haruhi said " yea ...kinda annoying I don't know how you do it " I said as we walked out with trays of coffee .   Almost Everyone chatted about the commoner coffee. Some girls were talking about me , and how I had no business being  here for I'm only a ugly poor person .  I just ignore it I'm use to people saying stupid things about even if the other host don't like haruhi and I have always been friends and I kinda know tamaki..but he's pretty ..high maintenance.
  I was still in the offit the twins gave me.. I  felt nervous  even tho  actually like it. There were only a couple minutes of hosting left when some boys that were talking to Koyay came over to me. There were three boys "h..hey y/n you look pretty " boy a said had reddish hair , " o..oh thank you..." I paused " what's your guy's name". I asked well kinda blushing . Boy a was Ash boy B Adam and boy c was light . " n..nice to meet you " I didn't under stand much sense they kinda all spoke at once. " so y/n what do you do for fun ". ," do you have any hobbies " . Lucky for me befor I could even attempt to answer it was over. I let put I sigh of relief " I hope I don't be to do that again" I was only speaking to my self but Koyay doesn't understand this , " well actually y/n I was thinking you become a hostess it would bring it more costumers " .
I looked at haruhi as we both broke into a laughter " y..y/n a hostess " we were practically crying from laughter. But only us everyone else look quite serious " that's A Great idea!" Tamaki annoyed as he jump at the table " now she just needs a type .
  " what about shy type l. Or awkward type.. Or can't socialize probably at all type ". Haruhi said just Makeing fun of haruhi be nice to y/n no matter how true it my be.    You looked at her and in the most insulted voice said " who's side are you on ".
    Well you argue with the rest of the host Koyay was taping the pen on his face .
" she shall be the..."

I'm leaving it here Ik so evil. But what kinda of type do you prefer.  Also pictures aren't always related .

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