hosting take one

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          " ugh " you sigh in frustration , it's 2 hours before your alarm is set to go off for school and you JUST can't sleep.  You were nervous about actually  hosting  and a zoo of thoughts ran through your head . " I can't possibly do it ", " no one's going to want to see me", " I'm just going to make a fool of myself". a few tears escaped your eyes as you hugged your pillow taken in a few deep breaths, mumbling sweet nothings to yourself.
    You decided to at least try to be productive so you went and got you uniform ready and cleaned up a bit .  it was Now only an hour left till school so you just wrote for 30 min then made f/f ( fav food). you found yourself not so hungry so you just poked at it  before leaving to Haruhi's. 

 the whole way was quieter than a winter night. no one spoke till you were in the school " y/n you've been completely silent what's wrong". I waited a moment before responding to my only friend "I'm just nervous". Haruhi gave me a sympathy filled smile telling me words of encouragement . As the classroom filled with people , I couldn't help but sink into my  seat and let out a sigh. perking up a bit when seeing two orange devils walk in the room,  they were actually not that bad... scratch that they ARE that bad. Bad , also kinda funny tho . having only met them 3 days ago you didn't know them well, they were also pretty close off. I have caught many of their pranks and such . As the school day went on I've seemed to be focus on everything  BUT the work. Like how many girls actually go up to the guys , how often people ignore me , how often some people actually look at me, and so on . 

 All day I've been a mess... all my life just one pig pile trash .. I belong in a trash can. I shall tell Haruhi I'm moving the trash. she'll miss me .

  I went to the library during lunch hiding away in a book.  Watching the clock I took a deep breath preparing myself for hosting.

   3rd person 

      Once you walked inside you were pulled by both arms. "here " " put this on" . The twins toss you in a changing room with a soft of white dress the top covered in black lace. and a pair of black wedges . Using a black ribbon you put your hair in a ponytail ( if you have short hair then just a bow in your hair*). You've earned yourself some stares whilst leaving the changing area. In fact ,the host club was staring at you. making you uncomfortable and nervous , playing with the hem of your dress you stare at the ground . With a bearly audible whisper, you say " d..does it look bad". Only one person was standing close enough to hear what you said at the was koyay , " No , in fact, you look quite nice ". His comment made you smiled, a smile that turn upside with the sound of a typical koyay " you're sure to bring in a good profit". 

       You go to your spot wiping your hands on your dress , taking some deep breaths.  Right before the doors open Tamaki came over to you and handed you a green rose , " you'll do fine princess , this is your rose". He gave you a wink and left to stand near the door ready to greet the guest. after 2 minutes had passed you still had no customers , Some of the other host gave you a worried look. Face down you felt as if you were going to cry when you heard a voice , " Hey you okay?". Looking up tp see where the voice came from you greeted with a pair of  green eyes. " I'm Makoto " the boy sat down and you told him your name... well tried " um..y/n" , the boy laughed a bit making you feel extremely embarrassed . A few more guys walked in requesting you , you felt your heart race so you excused yourself. koyay notice because he knows all, so he followed you to the kitchen where  you're leaning against the wall with a few tears down your face. " I should've known you couldn't handle  this" , you look away not saying anything you felt terrible for not being able to do it right Disappointed even.
      You heard koyay grab a few glasses so you looked up to see what he was possibly doing, and as you did he handed you a try with tea and cakes. " Just bring these out to the guest , I'm sure you can manage that" you whispered a thank you ,taken the tray and slowly leaving the room. Your legs may have felt shaky but you could do this just give tea to the guest. The club finally closed you sighed in relief , unknowingly your work wasn't over . " That was a disaster "  everyone looked at koyay confused except , " what are you talking about koyay everything was fine,"  Kaoru said. you slumped down into a chair as koyay went on about your inability to socialize . Tamaki being Tamaki was loud and over the top..and stupid " OH DONT WORRY MY PRINCESS  WE'LL HELP you'' . You tyred pushing him off you but he didn't move " WELL TECH YOU , HOST WE MUST TEACH Y/N HOW TO BEHAVE PROperly ".  host training great 

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