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    You  texted Tamaki the address  and told him " yes I a commoner , have a piano".  When you got home you decided to clean up and change. You changed into a (y.f.c)  t-shirt and black pants.  You weren't too sure why you were so excited Tamaki was coming over , maybe it was because you wanted to be friends again. Your mind wanders to when you were younger and in France. you were walking  around a park to find Tamaki so you could give him a crown you made of stylized lilies , after walking around a bit You finally found Tamaki .He was being picked on by a group of girls,Running over to his side you stand tall...or well as tall as you could make yourself," Stop making  fun of him" you said hands on your hips .  the girls just smirked and giggled " and what are you going to do". 

     with that, you moved from your spot to stand in front of him. Now you really weren't one to fight in fact ,you were pretty shy most the time. But if there's one thing you hate it's someone picking on your friend(s).  So you looked them straight in the eye and said, " you don't want to know".  The girls started to back off and leave , you were still staring  at the spot the girls were at. Then you heard Tamaki chuckle a bit " you didn't have to do that y/n/n ( nickname)" .  you were snapped out of reminiscing by the door bell,you answered the door to see Tamaki. You thought he was dressed down a bit, not to say he didn't look good ; because he in fact, looks extremely well. 

  "come in " you said gesturing into your little apartment , " I'm surprised to see how close you live near Haruhi". You were a little annoyed that the first thing he brought up was Haruhi, " yea , we often hang out together so it works out pretty well".  he smiled so you smiled back . He walked around taking in the different rooms of the apartment , " uh , do want something to drink". Tamaki stops at the piano ; gently sliding his hand on the top of it , " no it's quite alright , let's start shall we".   you both sit down at the piano , you think back to the few lyrics you wrote and the melody they had. 

  you hummed and hit a few keys Tamaki followed with the sound of your soft voice , you were to focus to notice but Tamaki glanced at you every now and then.  sitting there a smile grew on your face , as playing brought back memories of  France . in a decently large french house  sat two small children tickling the ivory , well the little boy was you ( the little girl) were kinda just hitting keys. coming back to this you hear a slight of key sound with a warm sensation on your hand . Looking down you see Tamaki's hand overlapped yours . unaware your smile was now meet with a blush , " we should work on timing huh" Tamaki said smile plastered on his face. You nod and shifting in your seat. You two spend a couple more hours playing , writing , and stealing some glances at one another , but alas the clock struck 12.. no I'm kidding it was 7:00 and time for him to go. " see you "  he said walking out the door , " see ya " you said waving goodbye.  you shut the door smiling , you made dinner and went to bed . 

                                                                  --------next day---------

   You awoke to find your alarm didn't go off , " if I hurry I can make it " you said to yourself as you shot out of bed. Running around the house  with toothbrush in the mouth you got dress , after slipping your shoes on you went to spit and rinse.  You stole a look at the clock to find you were a few minutes later already , your shoulder slag a bit as you hear your phone ring.  hello " you said answering it ...." o..oh really"....." I understand " , the last part spoken as a croke. Eyes closed you took a few deep breaths holding back tears as old thoughts swarm your head. They never really go away , just kinda linger in the pack showing them self every once in awhile. telling yourself that today is just a bad day, that it will be okay and your wrong.  Slowly you make your way  to finishing your hair and slowly walk to school. When you get there its almost lunch time. you decided to just skip and hang out in  the music room 11, knowing they had no more classes today. you sit at a piano taken in breaths still trying to keep  them from watering. 

    You start playing and singing out a few words  ( play song )

These feelings, they won't come to pass Every day remains the same I'm trapped in this endless cycle  How will they ever rescue me?These feelings, they won't come to pass,Am I really on my own?

Set me free   I'm taking back my freedom   Set me free   My freedom to realize    , Set me free I am not alone

These feelings I've been drowning in   Will they ever end?I'm trapped in an endless nightmare  

I just want to be set free   Release me,Please let me forget    How this makes me feel

Set me free   I'm taking back my freedom   Set me free    My freedom to realize  Set me freeI am not alone

you sang this and one other song as tears started falling , and you rested your head on the piano crying. What you didn't know was there was a folder of music left behind from a student early and they had comeback to get it. No, they never walked threw that door but they saw you from first note to last , and their heartache because of it . 

word count (1006) also i dont own the songs , but to anyone who deosnt know who these people are check them out. 

Ouran x sorta depressed readerWhere stories live. Discover now