making a host

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    eventually, the last bell rang . You had stopped crying some time ago but decided to stay until the end of the day , but it wast over yet  you still had training.  You got up and walked to the other music room. Opening the door to pure silence," hey" you said in a whisper with your head down. Tamaki and the twins were the first to greet you, "Y/N " they said clinging on to you. Smiling you ' try' to push them off , " guys get off,"  you said. after getting off of you  Tamaki's expression was serious , " twins get the clothes, Hani, and Mori the tea " . they all turned around and Tamaki whispered to you ," you okay" , you smiled and said yes. He didn't seem to convince but he didn't push.

    When the twins came back you were once again forced into a maid costume ,  " good luck " Haruhi said. you gave her a look that quickly softens when you heard the twins " oh Haruhi you have to roleplay a girl". you laughed at the look on her face , she snatches the dress and walked away mumbling in a low growl " I am a girl".  First thing first  , you sat down with Tamaki and he showed you how to be proper. How to drink tea, and set the cup down without making any sound .  He was in the middle of teaching you how to probably talk to guest  when Haruhi walked out. 

  We all  stopped and stared at her , even you had to admit she looked good. Haruhi wore a ruffled black dress with a floral pattern in it.  the boys all started to compliment her, so you joined in the fun seeing how mad she looked, " wow Haruhi you almost make for a  pretty girl". Laughing at this was your mistake as Haruhi  threw a book at you. Where she got the book is unknown.  mori had been kind enough to pick you up off the ground , " thank you mori". Rubbing the spot on your head you sat down and continued the lesson. You even practice on Haruhi, which didn't go so well you couldn't stop laughing. You also didn't understand why she needed to wear a dress, most of your costumers were boys. 

   you weren't doing too bad , but not good enough to be a host . You then hear a sigh followed by movement ,  looking you find it to be  kyoya , " it's been an hour it's pointless to keep trying". His comment honestly hurt ,  it made you feel pathetic and dumb . "  grab your stuff and come on y/n", you were confused at what kyoya had planned , but gathered you things a followed him, " what are we doing " you asked. he told you , you needed real experience and to observe people so he was taken you to some fancy rich people's place. After he bought you a dress ; which you now had to pay off.  it  was a knee length elegant dress of a soft yet dark purple color. 

      You enter the  place and was seated at a table  grabbing a menu you cover your face , only peeking out to look around. you notice how  beautiful the view was , the whole wall next to was glass , and it looked over Tokyo. The interior was very simple , red carpets , semi-dark wooden walls , and tables with  lovely elegant lights placed on top. When the waitress came kyoya ordered for you both. smiling you set the menu down , " so I'm supposed to observe them ". Kyoya nodded , you looked around as people ate , how the pick up each utensil ,  how they set down their glasses. other details, conversing little with the host  that brought you here. 

 finally ,your food came , " okay" kyoya started " show me what you learn", he adjusted his glasses and took a few bites  of food , dabbing his mouth with a napkin. you did the same , carefully you then pick up your tea to take a sip until kyoya accidently knocked his on you. you jump up  fanning your hands at  the spot , kyoya quickly apologizing grabbed a few napkins trying to help. once you're both done trying to  clean the tea , you sit down , noticing koyay hiding behind his hand. which is quite an unusual site , kyoya was practically never embarrassed. you can recall countless public  confessions giving to him. " kyoya are you okay, it was an accident I forgive you". 

     "kyoya are you okay it was an accident I forgive you".  I almost missed y/n speaking , it was quite embarrassing to react such a way , spilling tea on 'date'. I suppose that's what most will think haveing brought her out here . I just  couldn't help but be shocked to see my father and his colleagues sit only but a few tables away . what would he think of me if he saw I was with a commoner , let alone if he mistakes us as a couple? ", I'm quite alright , you should be more concern with yourself " . I had frozen for a second at her next words , " is that your dad" , " why yes in fact it is". she looked at him then at me  cocking her head to a side a but ' you don't like him?".  letting out an unnoticeable sigh I begin telling her the background of my father and the family. It's not like it's actually a secret plenty of people know , tho those people are of wealth and power , " well you see my father disowned me over some ...disagreements with my mother " , " that doesn't make since if it was , i interrupted her " please do not interrupt me , remember manners?". she puts her head down and whispers a little sorry ,  feeling a little ping in my chest i let out another more noticeable sigh and continue. " well ..."


     Kyoya was giving me a ride home  , it was a nice evening , i just hope i can be a good host. I am glad i learned something about kyoya , we discussed life back and forth. anything he didn't know he might know now. I smiled and i did so the whole ride , even tho it was quite and we didn't say a word , even tho I was anxious and worried i smiled. we made it to my place kyoya walked me all the way to the door , really just to talk about what i do and don't have to work off. i just kind of nod my head like I'm listening , for a guy who isn't very outspoken he sure can talk a lot. " well thank you kyoya" i gave him a smile and went to walk into my place when he grabbed my arm. not even turning me around kyoya leans over  giving me  a kiss on a check " my pleasure ". I didn't see his face after that he walked off and i walked in shutting the door with a hot flushed face i smiled  with knitted brows. 

1240 words woot woot . well good day lovelys 

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