dinner with the host club

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   you couldn't believe it a new hostess , she better not show up for this dinner .  you look for something to make , realizing you have nothing " time to go shopping i guess". you sent a text to Haruhi 

y/n: hey I have to go get food for dinner want to come 

Haruhi: sure , let me change first 

you garbed your jacket and went to met Haruhi.  you still haven't ask kyoya if he got anything on the new girl so you decided to text him. 

you: hey kyoya I wanted to know what you got on the new girl. 

 kyoya : why would that information be of use to you 


kyoya: I have nothing on the girl . not yet anyhow 

..... pause  brought to you by the pole you didn't see. you fell down rubbing your face as you hear laughing . " HARUHI ITS NOT FUNNY".  you quickly finish texting kyoya 

you : wow for once you don't have the answers 

 you : i have to go, walked into a pole and getting dinner for the chaos that will happen in my home 

you :  see you then ;)

you shoved your phone in your pocket and headed into the shop. 

kyoyas pov ( that's right reader we switching this b***h  up) 

I am in the middle of studying and planning some trips for the host when my phone violent buzzed against the hard wood desk.  i look at who could possibly be texting , of course, it was y/n.

( bold kyoya thoughts) 

  y/n: hey kyoya i wanted to know what you got on the new girl.

 ' hmm why does she want information about the new girl'

kyoya : why would that information be of use to you


kyoya: i have nothing on the girl . not yet anyhow  

 i really don't i have yet to do any further research then what i did  when i heard of her arrival , which strangely i didn't find too much just some fake documents.

  y/n : wow for once you don't have the answers

 i have to go, walked into a pole and getting dinner for the chaos that will happen in my home

 see you then ;)  

Shes very sarcastic and weird walking into a pole , i let out a coughing type of chuckle and just went back to work with a smile plastered on my face.  i really couldn't wait to see how this dinner turned out.

    y/n pov 
  walking through the store  buying various ingredients  , Haruhi grabbed some store sushi. You examined and questioned it.  I mean come on its from a shop how could you trust it. You paid for your stuff and made  your way back home where thinking of the whole Hikaru liking Haruhi thing. you and Haruhi started making food you worked on the sashimi and she made yakitori , " so Haruhi you do like anyone in the host club " you nudged her with your elbow.   " n..no" , " liar tell me who'' , " okay .. i like Tamaki..but i might actually like one of the twins too". hopefully, that twin was hiakrou.. but she likes Tamaki that thought made you kinda sad. you started on desert you were making cupcake designed for the individual host. 

  Hunny's was an angel cake with strawberry frosting with little bunny sprinkles and a sliced strawberry on top , the twins were almost identical devils food cake with orange frosting and blue sprinkles with little horns, you gave karou's a little halo since he was the nicer of the two,  Mori was a dark chocolate with a mocha frosting with a sweet filling.  Kyoya's was a salted caramel cupcake with an actual caramel on top , Tamaki's was a royal red velvet , which was just red velvet and homemade cream cheese , you put I little edible teddy bear on top along with a crown.  before you guys were finished the host had arrived.

     ' Knock knock'  " I'll get it, " Haruhi said walking over to the door, " hey guys, " she said than being tackled by Tamaki. they walked in taking a look around, only mori and kyoya did it with a kind of grace, and by grace i mean they weren't running around touching ALL MY STUFF.   i finished up cooking we had a few minutes till we needed to eat , " I've finished cooking eat now or later " . they all said now I smile going to get the food and set it on the table . as I come out the twins are running around and messing with stuff , " if you guys don't stop wrecking my house I will make you starve ". I set the food down " you guys may eat", I sat down next to kyoya and Karou  . " WOW, y/n this is really good, " Tamaki said  the rest nodded in agreement with their mouth full of food. blushing a bit I say my thanks and eat. we have  little but nice conversation ,  school and  my upcoming performance , but mostly about the new girl.  

       " do you think she'll be fun to be around " , " she is very pretty" , " I bet she be beneficial to the club haveing a real hostess".  a real hostess you thought but.. you were a hostess  you looked down thinking a bit before looking at your piano , " how about some entertainment with dinner, I could play something I wrote" , you looked to your guest for confirmation . They nodded and you went to play a piece  closing your eyes as you usually do . Only opening them on occasion to see the notes or they keys. ( play song )  you played with a smile tho a tear falls every now and then , music always held a memory behind it .

   The memories of this was one of your favorites ,  memories of your mother father and your siblings , dancing as you often would go to gatherings , you remember the times out in the meadow that was a few hours away from home , the picnics the games of tag.  best of all the hugs you had gotten when you were sad  . As the song nearly comes to an end you steal a glance at your audience and feel a blush of embarrassment creep on your face , but you keep playing with a smile that grows ever so slightly knowing you'll be making new memories, and even tho you couldn't guarantee they'd be good you were happy . You made friends  , now all you got to do is trust them.

  they complimented you saying it was beautiful , the rest of the night was a mixture of laughter , chatting , yelling at the twins .

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