The day to enter the palace has finally come.
Joy bathed herself in a rose-scented tub of water before she donned a light green-top and dark blue-bottom hanbok. As a finishing touch, she added norigae, a pendant-like ornament. For her hair, she had tied it into a single braid and attached daenggi, a large ribbon, to the end of the braid. Once she's done, she looked into the mirror. In there, a traditional Korean girl is staring back. Though this is similar to what she had always wear during Chuseok, Joy could barely recognize that the girl inside the mirror was her.
This day has finally come. All this while, she has been prepared for this day. At last, it's here.
Then, there was a knock on the door and Joy immediately knew what it meant. She walked out of her room and noticed a palanquin positioned outside her house. Many people were crowding around the gate. Instantly, based on their attire, Joy recognized those people are from the palace. Just as she was about to slip into her shoes and stepped out of the house, Little Choi came up to her side.
"Be careful, Agassi. And do remember my warning and advice." She whispered as she looked at Joy with sincere eyes.
Joy gave her a little nod and hugged her in a friendly yet considered to be very-unladylike in Joseon. "I will and I promised to bring back your real Agassi," Joy said in between sniffles as she tried to control her tears from falling. "Thank you for your care all this time."
If she succeeds in finding the quarters and confirmed that it is indeed the portal, this will be her last time seeing Little Choi. She has always been grateful to Little Choi for not spilling out her secrets. Not only that, Joy is also ever grateful for her guidance in this whole new, unfamiliar world and constantly looking out for her like a guardian angel. She is, indeed, her first trustable, loyal and true friend in Joseon.
Joy released Little Choi after a long hug, making a mental note to remember this dear friend for her entire life. She walked towards the palanquin as the palace attendants bowed to her one by one. One of them held up the cloth that covered the only entrance to the palanquin and helped her into it. Joy settled herself and made herself comfortable as her journey to the palace begin.
After what seems like a several-hours journey to the palace, the palanquin was finally laid carefully on the ground.
"We have arrived, My Lady." One of the female palace attendants announced. Joy got off the palanquin to find herself standing before the legendary grand palace. She has finally arrived at the palace.
Joy observed the layout of the grand palace. This is her first time being on the palace ground in Joseon time but ironically, this is the only place where she can find familiarity in it for it looked nothing different from the one in her time, except that there were more quarters than she could remember. From afar, a eunuch could be seen walking towards her. She waited for him to arrive before her.
"Welcome to the palace, My Lady." He spoked in a hurry. "You are expected in the main hall where all selected ladies are gathered. Please follow me."
Joy nodded and quietly followed him to the place of venue. As they walk, Joy tried to remember the route, in case it comes in handy for her little adventure. However, it's not easy. They walked around the corners for so many times that Joy has lost count. Finally, they climbed a short flight of stairs and came to a stop. Joy noticed the big wooden plate hanged above and knew that they have arrived at their destination.
"Lady Min of Yeoheung Min Clan has arrived." The eunuch announced loudly before the huge double doors were opened to reveal the insides of the grand hall. Joy take note of the vibrant colours of the hall and noticed, once again, that the government of her time have spent a lot of effort in maintaining the glory of the hall. And they have done it quite well.
"You may enter, My Lady." The eunuch faced her and said. Joy took a deep breath, adjusted her clothing and walked into the grand hall.
To her astonishment, there were only nine ladies present. She has expected dozens and dozens of ladies to be here but it seems like she was wrong. All of them wore even elaborate clothing and accessories, however, among them, there was a lady that only donned a simple yellow hanbok. Still, her snow-white skin, slender body and pretty face made her stood out the most.
As Joy walked into the hall, some ladies shot her a death glare from time to time and she knew the reason behind it. Without a doubt, they must have seen her as a deadly rival since, from what she learnt from Little Choi, she was specially chosen by the Queen Dowager without having to go through the series of selections. However, what they do not know is that she did not come here for the same reason like them.
Joy daringly look into each of their eyes as she walked in. Don't worry, I'm not here to fight for the position of the Queen. You can take it if you want.
"The Grand Dowager is coming. Get yourself ready." Another eunuch emerged from the front and bellowed out in order. All the chit-chatting among the ladies stopped immediately. They lined up in four neat rows and awaited the Grand Dowager. Joy followed and joined the back of the line.
The entering of the Grand Dowager was grand. She walked into the Grand Hall gracefully, holding her head high up in dignity.
Royal Queen Dowager Hyeonryeol, the Mother of King Sukjong, Joy thought mentally. She looked at her from far as the Queen Dowager took into position and addressed them.
"Welcome to the Grand Hall, my fellow ladies." She smiled brightly, showing her deep dimples.
Joy observed her from far. She may be old, but she is definitely not frail. None of her features revealed her age. Her skin was well-maintained -- smooth and soft-- with a youthful complexion. One might mistake her for an early-thirties lady. She's totally the perfect living proof for the saying 'age is just a number'. Still, she is a strong woman who took great care of the inner court.
Joy tried her best to recall her history lesson and research but she couldn't remember much. All she can do was to blame herself for not paying more close attention to those lessons and research. I should have read that long essay that Manager Hwang passed to me before I got teleported here.
"-- you all are the ten ladies chosen after long considerations."
The grand door suddenly opened and in came a figure. Everyone, including Joy, turned and looked at who it was to interrupt the speech of the mighty Queen Dowager. Upon taking a good look, Joy gasped out loud before she could contain herself."Welcome, My Great King." The Queen Dowager smiled brightly as the King walked slowly to join his mother. All eyes followed him and were returned to the front. Each and every eye of the ladies showed ambitiousness. All except Joy.
The ladies tidied themselves neatly and looked even more presentable than before. On top of that, a big bright smile was plastered on their face, in the hope that they would catch the eyes of the King. All except Joy, whose mind is in confusion. Questions and question popped out in Joy's mind and she has no answer to any of it.
How is that possible? How is it possible that the King looked just like Sungjae in the King's robe?
Having acted in a royal period drama with Sungjae staring as the King, Joy had seen Sungjae in the King's robe before. He looked exactly the same as the King before her now!
Joy continued staring at the King while recalling the nobleman's face.
No wonder the nobleman looks familiar. I find him familiar because he looked just like Sungjae!
L I K E ・ C O M M E N T
Last Edited: 01.05.2020

Historical FictionSixteen-Eighty-One. After a moment, she finally found her voice. But her words came out more like a whisper. "Who...who did you just say I am?" "Min Inhyeon, daughter of Lord Min YuJung." "And what year is it now?" "1681, Agassi." She turned and sto...