The Lost Scroll

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Joy strolled along the lake of the palace and quietly admired the scenery of the lake. The waters reflect the big blue sky above. Two butterflies flutter from one flower to another. As she walked, the small breeze blew past her face. Pushing a strand of hair away from her face, she looked down at her canvas shoes as she walked. Three hundred years ago, she walked down this stony path too...

Joy looked around her surroundings, comparing what had changed. A group of tourists walked towards her direction from far. Their laughter and chattering could be heard loudly as they toured the palace. She glanced at them before she pulled down her black cap, worried that they might recognise her. After all, she is no longer the Queen of Joseon but a mega A-list actress.

Avoiding the large crowd, she walked away from the lake and turned a corner. Her surroundings soon are filled with many big pillars and doors leading to many quarters. She had walked herself to the quieter part of the palace. Only a few European-looking tourists roam around, but all of them does not seem to recognise her.

Joy walked along the corridor and wondered if this corridor will lead her to the Queen's quarters. Comparing to the palace that she lived in during her time in Joseon, she had noticed that the layout of the modern palace had changed. Maybe something happened to this palace during the Japanese Occupation, she thought. Still, she continued walking down the corridor.

For some reason, as she walked, she keeps thinking of Eunmin. Joy sighed out loud. One of her greatest regret during her time in Joseon is that she could not find Eunmin after she had suddenly disappeared. She remembered that there were many wild rumours about her after her sudden disappearance. Some speculated that she had eloped with a man, while some guessed that she had been kidnapped. Still, despite many years, not a word was heard from her. Not even on the day Joy left Joseon. She didn't get to say goodbye to her... 

Suddenly feeling the vibration of her phone, Joy took out her phone from her jeans and checked it. She read Manager Hwang's message and pressed the home button. Just as she was about to slip her phone back into the pocket of her jeans, Joy recalled the multiple times she tried searching Eunmin's name up. She even asked several historical researchers, hoping to hear some things about her. But, despite her efforts, she found nothing. There was no record about her. It is as though this person did not even exist at all. 

Joy looked up from her phone and stared into the far distance. Where did you go, Eunmin? 


Eunmin quickly walked along the corridor. A strong wind blew and the rain continued to shower heavily. Her clothes were slightly drenched as the rain keeps sprinkling water on her face. Determined to get back to the Queen's quarters fast, she quickens her pace and walked faster. Gripping a long stick with a lantern dangling at the end, she turned a corner. 

The howling of the wind made all the goosebumps appear as she walked along the dark corridor. For some reason, not a single attendant was in sight. And the only source of light was the lantern that she is desperately holding. She reached the end of the corridor and made a right turn. Suddenly, a pair of hands reached out from the darkness and drag her backwards. Scared to death, Eunmin screamed as loudly as she could. She screamed at the top of her lungs, heeding no care that there's a possibility that she might lose her voice afterwards. She continued to struggle as the strong pair of hands continued to drag her backwards. Using all her strength, she struggled to get away from the man. Somehow, she really did get away. She started running as fast as she could. 

She continued to run and run and run. Only after she had run a long distance, she quickly turned to check if the man is still after her. Lucky for her, the man is no longer in sight. She turned away, her heart still beating fast. Drench in the rain, she quickens up her pace even more and tried to run to places that are filled with more people. 


Eunmin saw Joy's figure from afar. But because of the dark, she cannot make out what she is doing outside an unknown quarter. She reckons that Joy must have come out to search for her. The rain continued to pour heavily. 

Still traumatized by her encounter with a random man earlier, Eunmin ran up towards Joy. "Hurry up and leave, Agassi! This is not a place you want to be!" She shouted as she approached her, hoping that Joy could hear her sense of urgency. A man is trying to kidnap her, she is sure of it. Now that the Queen of Joseon is in sight, who knows what will the man do! 

Her loud and high-pitch voice travelled far and reaches the ears of the person that she is calling out. When that person turned, Eunmin had another shock of her life. Her eyes go wide, and a cold chill went down her spine. She stopped, completely stunned. The lady that she just shouted at is not Joy! 

Before she can think of what to do next, she felt a sharp pain at the back of her neck and her whole body collapsed to the floor. 

Minkyung turned and squinted her eyes. A man stood behind Eunmin, holding a long stick. He immediately lowered his head and bowed when Minkyung walked towards him. She came closer and stood a few centimetres away from Eunmin. Looking at her lifeless body, Minkyung shook her head in dismay. You should blame your master for this. 

She looked away and place her eyes on the man before her. He remained his bowing posture, refusing to straighten his back until he receives Minkyung's permission. Minkyung smiled. Having power feels so good!

"Deal with her, get rid of her." She instructed. 

"Quietly." Minkyung added.

 L I K E ・ C O M M E N T  

Published on: 31.12.2019

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