brawl over brains

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/attached pic of Kia/

All For Love
"I have been astonished that men
Could die martyrs for their religion-
I have shuddered at it,
I shudder no more.
I could be martyred for my religion.
Love is my religion.
And I could die for that.."
- John Keats

"Hey Rhys, pass me that bottle." I said to the gorilla sitting on the opposite end of the table, sniffing his arm pits. I scrunched my nose. "What the heck are you doing?"

He looked up, smirked and said,
"Martha said I smell like a beast today. I'm trying to figure out what exactly made her think that. My cologne or my sexy body odor. Probably the latter."

I dropped my half eaten sandwich on the plate in disgust. It was lunch period and we were waiting for Vanessa and J in the cafeteria. Just as I was about to enlighten Rhys on his absolutely vile body odor which could be classified nowhere near the adjective 'sexy', the sharp clicking of heels followed by the size zero/ sense zero figure of Tiffany Miller, Silvana High's most popular witch (with the 'b' of course), came sashaying to our table.

"Hi Rhys," Tiffany began, placing a perfectly manicured claw on his arm. "My parents have invited you and your family for dinner at our place. I would personally love it if you could come."
She was smiling so sweetly, I felt like gagging.

The Miller's had been trying to set up a partnership with the Lexington's for a while now. And from what it looked like, Rhys was going to get involved in the middle of an arrangement he didn't sign up for.

Rhys squirmed uncomfortably under her touch and shot me a pleading look. I sighed. Tiffany was one manipulative seductress. I'd had firsthand experience of her ability to create problems in other people's lives. I so wasn't letting her do that to my friends.

"I see you did your make-up today. Somebody sure misses coloring on books." I said, eyeing her fiercely painted face, trying my best not to laugh.

Tiffany turned to me, the smile on her face quickly disappearing. "Kiara Hartville," she narrowed her eyes. "Spinsters like yourself with a nonexistent love life will never understand the importance of make up. Talk to me when you get a boyfriend." Tiffany had a malicious look on. I tensed. She was going to bring it up. Again. The cafeteria was slowly becoming silent, all eyes were on her and her's were giving me the predator look.

"Oh wait. You did have one, who got so fed up of your boring, prude self, he left the city three days after you'll got together." She snickered.

I sucked a sharp breath as a burning ache resurfaced inside my chest. A pain I had tried so hard to bury. Sneaky whispers started floating over the tables, bringing a satisfied look on Tiffany's face. I didn't give a cow's sh*t about what people who didn't matter thought of me. I never did. What angered me was Tiffany's insistence on using every opportunity available to bring up my past.

"It's a shame, really. I could've given him exactly what he wanted. He was really something."

Hot anger shot through me. I needed to shut her up once and for all. You see, I was more of the brawl over brains kind of person. So I got up from my chair in one swift movement and advanced on her.

Tiffany started again, "Can't handle the tru - OWWWW!! YOU BI#CH!! OWW!! MY NOSE!! MOOMM!!!"

It was a quick, succinct punch. The satisfying crunching sound as my fist connected with her nose, was like a melody to my ears. Call me sadistic, but Tiffany had made my life a living hell not a year ago. This punch was long due.

"Stay the hell away from me and my friends or I'm going to deface your already ugly face into a pulp." I said in a deathly low tone.

The students were excitedly calling out my name, some were booing, yet others were filming us. Rhys was clutching his stomach, laughing. Suddenly, he stopped, his eyes widening as he straightened up. The entire cafeteria became silent. I turned to see our principal, Mr Linden calmly walking towards us. He swiped a lazy look over the situation and monotonously called out,

"Kiara Hartville and Tiffany Miller. In my office, now." Then to the gathered audience, "Show's over Silvanians. You may get back to your respective lives." And then he walked off with the same indifference.

Mr Linden was famous for his calm approach. Many mistook his calculating attitude for laze, but Principal Linden was as sober as a judge. You press the wrong button, and you're in for trouble.

Van and J took the exact moment to enter the canteen.

Vanessa Cabral. The girl who wears her heart on her sleeves. My sister from another mother. Back in elementary school, Rhys, her and I were like the Three Musketeers. Only the two fought like Tom and Jerry all the time.

Cautiously, looking around at the silent cafeteria the two walked towards our table. J was blushing from all the eyes fixed on them.

J. AKA Jeremy Bullen. J had moved to our town a year ago. It was a time when I would barely talk to Rhys, let alone make new friends. What made me notice him wasn't his heavy build. Jeremy Bullen had been the first person to ever beat me in go-karting. I'd be lying If I said I wasn't impressed. We had clicked together instantly.

I smirked to myself as a confused Vanessa asked,
"Okay, what did we miss?"

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It would mean everything❤️🙈

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