work from home ft. avril

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/attached pic of Avril/

"She never looked nice. She looked like art. And art wasn't supposed to look nice, it was supposed to make you feel something."
- Rainbow Rowell (Eleanor and Park)

"Ness, I think I've got blisters a- and I'm starving." I said feigning a pale, I'm-about-to-die-of-hunger look. I got in return a that-bull-ain't-working-on-me-so-shutup-and-keep-walking look.

It'd been a painful 1 hour and 22 mins of Van surveying every beachwear store in this monstrously huge mall, picking through the latest designs while I trudged along behind her mostly just carrying the bags. I bought a simple navy blue boy shorts swimsuit for myself from the 1st store we went to within 5 minutes max. Vanessa on the other hand was looking for that one life changing bikini that would get her boyfriend Blake on his knees armed with a wedding ring. She finally found one but decided that without matching flip-flops the mission can't be accomplished.

Like really? Which guy proposes a girl after inspecting said girl's footwear?

But now, I'd had enough. 3600+ seconds of walking, with Van constantly nagging me for a detailed opinion on all the outfits was like sitting through 3 consecutive lectures on physics. Dead boring. To top it off, I hadn't eaten anything since the pancakes. My mouth watered reflexly.

I threw the bags on the couch outside the waiting room where Van had taken with her the entire store to try.

As I sprinted towards the MacDonald's on ground floor, suddenly, the acoustics of the floor changed. Previously filled with the light chatter of people, it was now replaced by the crackling sound of a microphone in check.

"A pleasant morning dear shoppers,"
A confident female voice said.

I weaved my way to the centre, following the crowd. Set up close to the far side was a rectangular stage of healthy size. There was a karaoke set similar to Rhys' (Yeah, the nutcase bought one which he's been prohibited to use) on one end and a large, brightly decorated donation box to the front. It had the words 'For The Less Privileged, For A Good Cause' printed aesthetically across it with the logo of some Charity House.

The source of the voice was a really tall, black haired girl with a lip piercing.

"I'm Avril De Barros, and this-" she said, gesturing to a lean, familiar looking blonde - "is Taylor Chance."

"As you might have guessed, this is a charity program organized by Apollo Charity House, Florida, which aims to raise funds to provide proper shelter and education to the homeless and poor."

Chance continued, "We, the students of Silvana High will be hosting today's musical. So, ladies and gentlemen, let's begin with a solo performance by Avril right here."

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