trick or twin

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"I kissed her neck and shoulders. I felt faint with loving her so much."
- Ernest Hemingway

I banged my head on the lunch table, barely missing a fork.

"Six days of running around a sweaty, testosterone charged field! What did I do to earn this hell?!"

I actually knew the answer to that. This morning I had woken up 45 minutes late to a snoring Rhys and a dysfunctional alarm clock. Add another 20 minutes of rushing to my place to get my backpack and what do we have?

A visit to the Principal's office. Soo predictable.

And this time even my infamous voodoo charm AKA my puppy dog eyes failed to melt P Linden's heart.

I was assigned the dreadful task of helping out at the football practices for the upcoming tournament.

"What exactly d'you need to do?" Vanessa asked, munching on her cupcakes, amusement glittering her eyes.

I looked up. She was trying hard not to get distracted by Blake who was playing with her fingers across the table and pay attention to her whiny friend.

My multitasking queen.

I sighed. "Fetch their balls, -

"That's what she said!" A junior passing by laughed out.

I glared. "-get their bottles, energy drinks, blah blah blah."

My attempts to discontinue the conversation and relieve Van of her growing awkwardness were successful. Until Ameera decided to butt in.

Enter Ameera Malik. The craziest woman in Silvana High. Tall, Pakistani and an avid stalker, she was eccentricity personified.

"Omigosh Kia, you are one lucky bi!ch. What I wouldn't have given to see Ryan in those tight shorts! Besides word is around that two lava hot newbies are joining the team this year." Ameera paused to catch her breath.

I threw an annoyed glare at her face. I was sitting sandwiched between Rhys and Van. On the opposite side sat JoJo and Blake with a chair between them. The shorter end of the rectangular table had single chairs one of which was occupied by Ameera. Before I could fling an apple in her direction a familiar voice called out,

"Hey guys,"

Clad in black overalls, Avril stood next to JoJo smiling brightly at us. She had texted us earlier that she and her twin would join us directly at lunch today.

"Hi Avril" JoJo got up and pulled the chair for her. Eyebrows hitting my hairline, I exchanged glances with Vanessa who looked equally amazed.

But before Avril could take one step forward, a strong, male hand caught ahold of the chair and its owner positioned himself in front of Avril and JoJo protectively.

"Thanks mate." Sidney barked at JoJo

Wait. Hold on.


"You again! God! Now I'm just positive you are stalking me. Sidney, wasn't it?" I turned to the rest who looked baffled at my sudden outburst. A sudden idea occurred to me and I blurted out, "Guys I think this is the kidnapper from Friday. He's been following me all around the city!"

My unthought accusation had frighteningly differing reactions.

Sidney went into a laughing fit. Avril had a reprimanding look on. JoJo looked ready to punch Sidney in the gut. Vanessa looked disbelieving. Ameera seemed incredulous, are-you-nuts-he-is-so-hot-ofcourse-he-can't-do-that type of incredulous. Rhys had just unplugged his earphones and looked bewildered like hell.

And me? I was about ready to die out of frustration.

Vanessa was the first to speak out, "You must be mistaken Kia. This is Johnson, not Sidney. He's Avril's twin."

Say holy whattt.

"Actually Johnson's his middle name. We're on a middle name basis ever since we watched this romantic chick flick whose lead actors shared our names." Avril cringed and said apologetically. "So, everybody, this is my twin, Sidney slash Johnson."

I wanted to pour the orange juice on my head. No preferably on the smug faced bastard sitting right across me. The confusion had blown way out of proportion, but finally everything was cleared out and we went back to lunch. Avril occupied the single chair on the shorter side.

My mind was buzzing with all the new information. If the kidnapper wasn't the Sidney, then I guess his identity was still a mystery.

Sidney was staring at me intently. He looked just as surprised as I was about our multiple meetings. Besides the coincidence wasn't all that unbelievable considering, Avril had mentioned at the beach about her brother. I sighed. Ameera had said something about new players. Sidney was definitely one ; he perfectly fit her description of 'lava hot'. Then who was the second person?

"So, there is a bonfire party today evening. It is held every year to welcome fall. Its sort of a tradition in Silvana High and Avril, Sidney, you guys have to come." Vanessa said. Of course, she had to say that.

"Of course, we're coming." Sidney smirked. I narrowed my eyes at him. Suddenly, I froze as I felt someone's foot slowly going up my leg beneath the table. Mr. ILoveSmirking was still eyeing me.

Sid-Jerkhole-ney, you are dead.

With a piercing glare, I slammed my fork down. In one swift movement, I reached across the table, grabbed Sidney's collar and pulled him up so we were half-sitting, half-standing, in the middle of the cafeteria. My chair went crashing on the floor.

Those grey orbs held massive amounts of surprise and curiosity. Locking my eyes with them, I hissed,

"Stop playing f*cking footsy with me or I will football you in your fugly face."

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