know your feet

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This chapter is dedicated to one of my best friends diamonds221.
Happy Birthday Hira!💕
I know I'm a day late here;) Love you!

"The chemicals in your head, in your body, wide awake."
- Abhimanyu

I expected a flinch at the least, but the dude did not even blink. I would be lying if I said I wasn't impressed. The terd had some realio guts.

"Jesus, Kia calm down! That wasn't him!" Blake said, eyeing the growing commotion in the cafeteria with nervousness.

"How are you so sure?" I asked him in confusion.

Blake refused to meet my eyes. Red in the face, he mumbled something under his breath.

"What?" I asked.

At that, Blake Harrison said, "Because, it- it was me."


This time it was Vanessa, shock and disbelief dancing on her face.

Blake hurried to explain, "No! It's not like that babe. I- I was going for you but I got the wrong leg- I mean, oh fuck."

He ran a hand through his hair and said to me, "I'm sorry Kia."

Everyone on the table burst out laughing, except me and Van.

"Practicing for the tournament with your girl, Blake? I like it." JoJo said.

"Wrong leg? Really Blakey? It's time I teach you some footsy skills." That was Guru Ameera.

"You should start with checking the footwear brother. Van normally goes for heels and Kia, sneakers."-Rhys.

Where the heck did he learn that from?

Vanessa was hiding behind her blonde curtains out of sheer embarrassment.

And me? I quickly let go of Sidney's collar the way I recoil from broccoli. God could have shown some mercy and at least stopped at this. But no, there was more of drama in line.

I pulled back from Sidney and proceeded to sit.

On thin air.

The cursed chair was lounging on the floor because of the force with which I had stood up. As a result, I dropped to the floor with a yelp, hands flailing like a madwoman. The guffaws that followed were deafening.

Rhys helped me up and into my seat, snickering himself.

"Your Calvin Klein's are outdated edition compared to mine, by the way. I told you, didn't I?"

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