people fall in love in mysterious ways

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/attached pic of Sidney/

"You!!" I spluttered, instantly recognizing Lamborghini guy. I reluctantly locked my arms around him because Lambo guy was wearing a lifejacket and over smart me wasn't.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, thanks. "

"Can you empty your pockets? You  totally stole the dance today." He was smirking at me now, his wet hair spiked up in all directions. On seeing my puzzled expression, he added, "I saw you at the mall today."

"Oh." I said, mentally waving it off. I had a more important question I'd forgotten to ask Mom in the midst of the most boring lecture in the history of geographies I got yesterday. Surprisingly, my parents hadn't mentioned anything about therapy and had settled on just giving me an earful on violence.

"What were you doing at my house yesterday?"

"Wrong address." He said, casually tightening his hold on my waist. I would've said something but the water was making everything slippery.

I pulled my eyebrows together,
"Then how did you get inside?"

"The door wasn't locked so I walked in- "

"You walked in?- "

"But," he rolled his eyes, "I saw family photos framed in the hallway and figured it certainly couldn't be my friend's house.. Although I'm glad I got the address wrong." He leaned forward and tucked a strand of my loose hair behind an ear, smiling mischievously. For some reason I didn't feel repulsed at all. If anything, I was mildly amused.

"By the way squirrel, dark blue and bare skin looks even better on you than red. Or orange, whatever."

Bewilderment was my initial reaction. Realisation next; it hit me like a truck.

"You're the pick up line guy?" I burst out laughing.

"Yep." He grinned. "Sidney's the name"

"Boy, are you stalking me?" I asked out of genuine curiosity.

His grey orbs were staring into mine, challengingly. He said, "Squirrel, I don't stalk. I'm more of the 'go and get it type'."

I rolled my eyes at that. His hands travelled downwards slowly. I caught hold of his wrists.

Leaning close to his ear, I tilted my head and said, "Well, Sidney darling, this time you're not getting anything." With that, I dropped his hands and smoothly waded back to my motorboat. Thankfully, it was upright and unharmed. In one not so swift movement I was on top of it. I peeked over my shoulders to see a stunned expression on Sidney's face. I rolled my eyes and started the engine. He  definitely wasn't used to hearing that.

"Do I at least get the pleasure of knowing your name?" He called out, running a hand through his dark hair.

"Nop" I popped my 'p' and everything, not bothering to sugarcoat it. Sidney placed a hand over his heart and pretending like he just got stabbed, all the while grinning widely.

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