Dominic Torreto 2.0

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"Okay I think I fixed this,"

I slid a piece of the Styrofoam further inside the metal wheel which finally stopped jiggling. Giving the skateboard a little pat I breathed a sigh of relief. If Brandon hears about the way I almost broke his 'baby' I won't hear the end of it.

"Holy fuck."

I squinted up from my squat position to find a wide eyed Janet leaning against Rhys's car for support. She swore again and squealed,

"I can't believe this! Leslie fucking Jordans, the newbie is hotter than our QB. And he's in junior year with us. Oh my god. I hope I'm not drooling."

We were in the parking lot of the school, waiting for Van.

I rolled my eyes. Rhys was blocking my view across the lot, so I stood up with the skateboard under my arm and pushed Rhys to the side. I followed Janet's line of sight with curiosity and a mop of midnight black hair over a cutting figure became visible. For a split second, my eyes met a pair of brown, twinkling ones before he looked away.

"Kia darl, just try to avoid falling face first this time, yeah?"

I stuck my tongue out at Rhys shrugging those eyes out of my memory. Taking position, I set the board on the concrete ground and started wheeling down the lot.

I had taken three falls and scraped a small chunk of the board once already. But I wasn't giving up. Stupid skateboard didn't get to beat me.

"Whooo!!" I yelled excitedly and steered almost smoothly around the people. Almost.

A freshman, hunched over his books, popped out of nowhere in my way. His head shot up in panic when I screamed at him. "Heyy!"

I veered away from the sidelines to the main lane to avoid a crash and jumped right into another one that could have fractured three fourths of my statute.

A black Toyota was speeding in my direction. I panicked and nearly tripped over the skateboard before a heavy weight collided with my side that pushed me out of the lane and towards the line of parked cars.

I went flying over a car bumper with another muscular human below me. He cushioned our fall which would have otherwise broken all my bones.

"Fuck." We swore together. I strained against the strong arm around me and looked up to find the same pair of brown eyes from before. He grunted under my weight but I refused to move and said the last thing that any human in his position would want to hear.

"Dominic Toretto version 2.0. Did you just fucking do that?"

Before I could say any other crap someone roughly lifted me off my Dom only to put me down and shake the stars out of my arms.

"KIA ARE YOU INSANE?! Who avoids a little crash to go STAND IN FRONT OF A FUCKING CAR?"

"Geez calm those tits Rhys boy. I'm fine. In fact, I'm fast and furious." I threw on a shit eating grin at the shitty reference and turned to my man of the day. "Speaking of... Where's Torreto boy?"

Toretto guy was gone. Before I could take a look around, Chip stuck his head out of his car window.
"Hey Hartville are you crazy?! I mean graffiti paint Mr Schwimmer's house crazy? Yes, but suicide crazy? Since when!"

I rolled my eyes. "Jesus, stop being so dramatic people." I waved a preachy hand in the air and said grimly, "What hath life if one does not take little risks? Huh Chipmunk?"

Chip growled a little, "you're lucky my mama taught me to never hit girls. Next time you want to kill yourself just please select a different car yeah?"

"But I like yours chipman" I whined a little and broke out into snickers when he shot me the finger before driving away.

What a fine beginning to the day.

I took a long sip of my flavoured soda and breathed out a sigh, twirling the cup between my fingers. Lunch period was almost over and I weaved around the tables in the cafeteria, muttering 'excuse me's. My eyes drifted across the hall. Since when did Toretto 2 point oh become friends with the Asian twins? Hmm.

I zoomed towards their table and plopped on a chair next to the taller twin I identified as Lauv. The twins along with the brown eyed boy I had my eyes fixed on, shifted their attention my way.

I put on a sunny smile and extended one hand towards new guy, "Hi! I'm Kiara Hartville."

He threw a lazy look at my hand and shook it once, going back to talking to Lauv.

I raised an eyebrow, "oh I'm sorry, I think I missed your name. I was busy shaking your hand."

This time his eyes pierced at me while I swear I saw the subtlest hints of a smile on his lips.

"Leslie." Toretto guy said very non conversationally which just pushed me to talk further.

"Thank you for earlier. You just saved me a few hospital bills. A coffee to return the favor perhaps?"

"No, it's fine. Don't mention it. I hope you are alright?"

"Yes, I-"

He gave a curt nod and swung right back into his conversation like I was never there in the first place.

Now I was a little frustrated. Who the hell did he think he was? I'd never been brushed off like that. Just as I opened my mouth, the bell went off.

"Um, well, see you around." I stood up with stiff smile. "You too, Lauv and Kush"

The taller twin smiled, "Actually Kiara, its Luv, with a U"

"Ohh! So the whole table is not hostile, I see,haha" the twins snickered while Leslie leaned all the way back in his chair and folded his arms, deliberately fixing his stare at me. And even though he didn't say a word, for some reason he felt really intimidating.

"See you Kiara" Luv smiled politely on his friend's behalf while I took off, avoiding Leslie's eyes.

Huh. I'd been spoilt with attention as I grew up and I'd be damned if I took no as an answer now. Challenge accepted mr.rudey-broody. Mission Toretto's Attention is on.

I don't usually like explaining references but then I can't assume everyone watches the same movies as I do, hence I will.

Dominic Torreto is a character from the Fast and Furious movie series and in the sixth movie there is a similar scene where Dom jumps from a flying car across a highway to save Letty. It's crazy I know.

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