Chapter 5

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Here I was. Standing outside my parents house filled with anxiety.

Lord help me.

I knocked on the door and was greeted by my mother wearing a classy black dress with red pumps . I always wondererd why this woman was always dressed up.

" You may enter " she greeted me like she was inviting guests into a suite.

" Nice to see you too" I said under my breath

So far so good I guess, there was still no sign of that man. Thank you Lord.

"I'm here now, so what is it that you had to tell me"

" I see you are eager to jump right into things" she gestered for me to sit .

I sat on the couch and looked up at her awaiting her to begin talking.She just sat there looking at me.

" You can start talking now mother dearest" I stated feeling rather awkward

" Well, you know your father is getting older" she started.

I stayed silent.

" And the body isn't as strong as it used to be".

I was still silent.

" He was having some pains last week. And well, we carried him to the doctor" she said before pausing.

" He's dying Katherine" she uttered clearly on the verge of tears.

I sat there with the most amused smirk on my face.

" Say something Katherine"

" I was taught that if I had nothing good to say, to say nothing at all"

She held a confused look on her face.

" Your father is dying"

" No mom, your husband is dying"

And with that I left the house.


"He's dying" Janae repeated


" I can't believe this"

" I really don't care" I honestly said.

That man died to me three years ago, so for me to hear he was dying had no real effect on me.

" The man is dying Kate"

" I know Janae.... Next topic please".

" You cold knuckle head, you better go see that man before he dies"

I laughed

"Suurree" I said sarcastically.

That was the last thing on my mind.

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